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Top Shelf Aquatics

Found a brittle sea star in my tank!


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I found a brittle sea star about 1 inch big. I did not buy it. It must have piggy-backed in on something. It's a very small tank and I know sea stars get very large. I also hear they are semi-aggressive. I would like to keep it until it gets big but how fast do they grow? Is it safe to keep? It's a brown one with black rings

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its probably a micro brittle star, and its fine. Some sea stars are hard to keep, but brittles are easy and you probably have tons more of them. Does it have hairy-looking legs, or are they smooth?


If they're smooth, it could be a harlequin serpent star, and if so you're lucky! I only suggest this because I rarely see the micros get to be an inch, normally they're very tiny.

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its probably a micro brittle star, and its fine. Some sea stars are hard to keep, but brittles are easy and you probably have tons more of them. Does it have hairy-looking legs, or are they smooth?


If they're smooth, it could be a harlequin serpent star, and if so you're lucky! I only suggest this because I rarely see the micros get to be an inch, normally they're very tiny.


No it has hairy legs

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