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best in-sump skimmer for 31 gal


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alright, so im going to be getting a 31 gal cube, stand, sump, etc. from a local reefer to add to my nano tank collection and was wondering what would be the best skimmer for the tank.


and what anyone is using on a similar size tank. the sump is 10-20 gal


i already have a biocube setup as a mixed reef but decided im going to make it a maxi mini, and lps reef.

and my 31gal is going to be an sps clam garden, im going to put an mp10 on the 31gal and a 250w MH (radium bulb) for light so i would like an efficient enough skimmer so that my sps can thrive.

dont be afraid to post your ideas all would be accepted.

thank you


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Thanks for all the replies, I'm definitely going to be checking out all of those, I was actually thinking about going SWC before posting as I heard they are a really good brand.

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