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Can anyone weigh in on my upgrade ideas for my 130 please. Here is what I am thinking I bought this used and want to adjust a few things.


Thinking about the Tunze 9002 protein skimmer so I can do the media basket is it worth the money for the upgrade? Its a pain in the butt to change the media under the pumps.


Skimmer cup for in the tank to help with film on top of water is it worth it?


New bulbs and when I do this I am thinking about replacing guard screws and gasket.


New circulation pumps because I have to take apart at times to restart them.


What is a good site to get all of this stuff.


Thanks for your help

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I can tell you that I love my Tunze 9002. Stock... No mods, no fancy cup. It's quiet and skims very well. Now maybe you need a special collection cup to fit it under your hood but I can't answer that.

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