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Innovative Marine Aquariums

24" Coralife HO T5


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I have the light listed above on my 10 gallon. It also has 2 lunar leds (which I absolutely love). My only real complaint with the fixture is that when the 10k's come on they COMPLETELY drown out all the blues. Would it be safe to take out one 10k and put a third actinic? All I have and all I'm planning on keeping are softies, so I don't need insane lighting.


Another possibility, and something I might do regardless, is add some blue/violet/uv stunner strips. Just the two leds already on the fixture alone make the coral GLOW. The 5t's don't even come close to them in bringing out the color. I'm pretty sure I can cram them in under the plexi with the bulbs. Possibly even take out the actinics and totally replace them with stunners.


Sound good?

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Oops sorry. 4 bulbs altogether, two 10k, two actinics. The bulbs are all 24w each, but I don't know the specifics on the actinics. It just says "actinic, 24", HO T5, 24w." No info on what type of actinic. The bulbs came pre-installed, so I have no packaging to look at.


This is my light http://www.drsfostersmith.com/product/prod...fm?pcatid=23758


Noob question: what's the difference between 10k, 12k, and 18k?

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Oops sorry. 4 bulbs altogether, two 10k, two actinics. The bulbs are all 24w each, but I don't know the specifics on the actinics. It just says "actinic, 24", HO T5, 24w." No info on what type of actinic. The bulbs came pre-installed, so I have no packaging to look at.


This is my light http://www.drsfostersmith.com/product/prod...fm?pcatid=23758


Noob question: what's the difference between 10k, 12k, and 18k?


You can easily find info on your last question w/minimal work. It wouldn't hurt to check out the "T5HO Information" thread stickied @ the top of the Lighting Forum.


To answer your original question, I think you'd be fine changing out one 10k bulb for an actinic bulb.

Another good possibility for you would be to change out an actinic bulb for an ATI Blue+ bulb.

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I have been running crap bulbs since I started this hobby 3 years ago. I finally made the switch to ati bulbs and I am amazed at the diffrence. The color is awesome and the growth is definately more noticeable.

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Hmm. I really like the deep water blue/violet look. I think I might go for an 18k and a 22k. That would give me a good variety to play around with and find what I like best.

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