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Nassarius snail eggs


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Eggs = free food. They'll get sucked up by your filter/skimmer/etc before they can develop past larvae.



Aw boo. I was really looking forward to some baby nassarius' running around. :D


While what jedimasterben said is mostly true don't loose faith in some surviving. My nassarius snails spawn constantly and I have several baby snails in various sizes running around my tank.

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While what jedimasterben said is mostly true don't loose faith in some surviving. My nassarius snails spawn constantly and I have several baby snails in various sizes running around my tank.

I've never seen nor heard of any snail spawn surviving without having them in a separate system to rear. There is just not enough fauna in the water column that is properly sized for them to eat, and the way our filtration works, I don't see how there would be any larvae left in the water column after an hour or so.

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