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true perc... picky eater


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i have a true perc and im telling yall this is the pickiest eating fish ive ever owned im fairly new to salt but ive had a few clowns n the past and this one will not eat anything but tiny tiny mysis tails ive tried dropping little full mysis n front of him he wont have it, if there any bigger than a 8th to a 4th of an inch long he will have nothing to do with it. anyone ever had this problem and what foods would u suggest trying for a picky fish? ive herd rods food and cyclopeez thrown around alot but havent had time to research them yet so any help would be appreciated thanks

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Cyclopeeze has triggered the appetite of my fire fish. Rod's Food is a mixed bag of multiple food types, usually anything will eat something from the mix. Once you get a fish to start eating, (this perc is new, maybe it's still stressed from the move?) you can usually get them to munch on more types of food.


Cyclopeeze has triggered the appetite of my fire fish. Rod's Food is a mixed bag of multiple food types, usually anything will eat something from the mix. Once you get a fish to start eating, (this perc is new, maybe it's still stressed from the move?) you can usually get them to munch on more types of food.

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Usually true perculas that are wild caught will come with a disease called Brooklynella; I worked at a LFS for a little while and all the perculas they sold there were wild caught and 90% of them didn't eat and would die with in a week or two. Some of them didn't even show physical signs of being sick until they were a few days from being dead.

Before I worked there (and didn't know much) I bought a percula from them that didn't eat and i tried EVERYTHING. The store had a 1 week guarantee so I ended up taking it back. If yours doesn't eat within a week I'd worry, but then again there's always the exception.

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Cyclopeeze has triggered the appetite of my fire fish. Rod's Food is a mixed bag of multiple food types, usually anything will eat something from the mix. Once you get a fish to start eating, (this perc is new, maybe it's still stressed from the move?) you can usually get them to munch on more types of food.


Cyclopeeze has triggered the appetite of my fire fish. Rod's Food is a mixed bag of multiple food types, usually anything will eat something from the mix. Once you get a fish to start eating, (this perc is new, maybe it's still stressed from the move?) you can usually get them to munch on more types of food.


I had a picky clown and Rod's did the trick. Everything loves it. Get some.

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thanks folks i will try a little of both then he will eat very small mysis and premium aquatics saif that there true percs were tank raised. he has been n my tank for a little over a week now and he loves pekin pods off the glass but he tends to stay n the back corner hosting my mag lol so maybe hes still adjusting id like to get him a companion and i dont want to get rid of him because i really like his markings there almost like a snowflakes but not quite.. anyway thanks for the input all try the suggestions.. also will my corals enjoy rods fish mix or should i get them some of the coral mix? pretty fortunate i work right behind premium so there very convenient and love there warehouse!

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