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Very odd question


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Sorry guys but this may be a very odd question...but Im going to have to set off a flea bomb and was wondering what I needed to do to cover my saltwater tank...and if anyones had to do something like this what did you do?how long to keep it covered?what to cover it with?....if it helps its only a 20long tank



Thanks guys!

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i would cover it . that stuff goes everywhere . use a trash bag and tape the bottom. even if its not harmfull it cant hurt to cover it

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i would cover it . that stuff goes everywhere . use a trash bag and tape the bottom. even if its not harmfull it cant hurt to cover it



It ok after its covered to keep the filter and skimmer running or should I turn all that off too?

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Cover the tank as well as possible. Keep all filtration running. Add new carbon and change all of the media after a couple days. You don't want anything you've filtered out leaching back into the water.

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