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Coral Vue Hydros

Peppermint shrimp


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My tank has been set up with live rock for a week and i used instant ocean bio-spira with instant ocean marine conditioner and proper pH 8.2 and now everything in the tank seems perfect... 8.2 pH, no ammonia, nitrite or nitrate and 1.024 salinity and temp of 78 degrees. I tested everything. Oh and added trace elements of calcium, iodine, magnesium and strontium with reef accelerator. Can I add 2 peppermint shrimp in 7-8 days if everything stays stable? I'll buy freeze dried brine shrimp and other fish foods for them. I was thinking I really want a clean-up crew of shrimp and eventually a dwarf zebra hermit crab and a few small snails. Then I really really want a yellow clown goby as my only fish. I'd like to add the shrimp first and then after a couple more weeks the crab. Is it too soon to add the shrimp next week?

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Hey Lindubz


I would only say based on personal experience don’t go for peppermint shrimp. Maybe a skunk cleaner shrimp or something else. My Pep is a massive pain in the arse.


Whether or not it’s too early to add livestock and dosing trace elements etc. I’m sure others will advise you on that ;)

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Ya get a peppermint shirmp i love mine. but they do hide alot mines alway in this little cave in the front so i can always see him. Im cheap so i didnt want to spend 50 dollars on a cleaner shrimp. :D


Oh and on the snails dont get to many nass snails my pep is always fighting them off when i feed pellets

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Ya get a peppermint shirmp i love mine. but they do hide alot mines alway in this little cave in the front so i can always see him. Im cheap so i didnt want to spend 50 dollars on a cleaner shrimp. :D


Oh and on the snails dont get to many nass snails my pep is always fighting them off when i feed pellets



Thanks i'll probably go with dwarf cerith snails not nass snails. What kind of pellets did u go with for your little pepp shrimp? And someone else said there's was a pain in the but. Why do you think that is?

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agreed, do CUC first. They are much more hardy than a shrimp. In my experience shrimp are pretty fragile, wait till the 3 week mark at least to be safe.


I added a pepermint in my first tank at day 17, it died day 26.

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I'd stay away from pep shrimp. IMO. I added one to take care of a few aiptasia's. He did his job then became a big pain in the a#&! Bothered everything, picked at and ate corals and I couldn't catch him to remove him. Finally he bit the dust. Thankfully. :) 2 cents. W-

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I'd stay away from pep shrimp. IMO. I added one to take care of a few aiptasia's. He did his job then became a big pain in the a#&! Bothered everything, picked at and ate corals and I couldn't catch him to remove him. Finally he bit the dust. Thankfully. :) 2 cents. W-


I guess thats why ppl stay away from them. I feed mine every other day and i havent had a problem once i thought he was picking at my zoa but he was just cleaning in between them. I feed omega one shrimp pellets. my coral will eat them too.

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I'd stay away from pep shrimp. IMO. I added one to take care of a few aiptasia's. He did his job then became a big pain in the a#&! Bothered everything, picked at and ate corals and I couldn't catch him to remove him. Finally he bit the dust. Thankfully. :) 2 cents. W-



What kind of small shrimp would be better you think? And will get along with hermit crabs, snails, a goby and eventually candy cane coral or some polyps. Bumble bee or snapping shrimp maybe?? Oh and I may have jumped the gun a little but I put 2 blue leg hermit crabs in my tank today with dried seaweed. Meant to put one and some empty shells but they sold me 2 by accident. They seem to be enjoying themselves. Any comments or opinions? And yes I know it was soon. I got inpatient. I'm sorry. Do you think they'll be ok?

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i think the crabs will be fine. I've had good luck with cleaner shrimp- had a pair of them over 2 years ! But wait a while to add them.

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I guess if you feed your pep so he doesnt get hungry and he finds a little spot to hide where you can see him then you might get some enjoyment from keeping him. I think maybe im a bit unlucky with mine. He hangs in a cave where i cant see him and he rarely comes out. Only to snatch a bit of food i put at the entrance. I had a skunk cleaner in my last tank and he was much more entertaining. He would be out all the time picking through the rock. Doing his weird side to side dance (hard to describe). Would clean under my nails if i put my hand in the tank. I guess im kinda biased as i really liked him. Only trouble is they cost silly money here in australia.

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