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ChemiPure Elite vs. BRS Premuim ROX/GFO High CAP


Carbon Media Poll  

38 members have voted

  1. 1. Which carbon would you use?

    • ChemiPure
    • Chemipure Elite
    • BRS Carbon
    • BRS Carbon + GFO
    • Other

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On my last tank, I used Chemipure Elite inside chamber number 2 of my BC29's media rack. (along with Purigen) I would put roughly 1 cup in some old pantyhose and hang it in the media rack. about 2 months later I would change it.


Next year I want to have another go, and was looking at BRS's bulk carbon and GFO; Premuim Rox and High CAP GFO. I was thinking of making a 70/30 c/gfo mix and hang in the same manner as before.


Is there such a thing as too potent carbon, GFO? I'm interesting in buying bulk, but dont really need to overdo it. Is there a such thing as too much polish?? The Chemipure worked fine last time, and was a good supplement to the chaeto fuge, skimmer, and floss.


Any direction appreciated.

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Carbon and GFO exhaust at different periods and should be used separately IME. Any quality activated carbon should do. Any GFO will do. You cannot overdose on carbon but if you use too much GFO you may lose some corals for reasons that I am not sure......... I experienced this as did many others. Running either in a reactor is best for contact time.

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I've got both in a BRS deluxe reactor - not mixed. The ROX is seperated between the two foams at the top and therefore I can change it out without changing the GFO... At least in theory. Just remember to flush / rinse the GFO prior to installing your carbon. I'm thinking that the carbon would pick up the fine GFO particles that normally get flushed out.

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Carbon and GFO exhaust at different periods and should be used separately IME.


Then would you say Chemipure Elite is not good? It has carbon and GFO mixed together.


Is the carbon+GFO combo from BRS better quality vs. the Chemipure?


- I do not have a reactor, this would be in the back chambers of a Biocube 29. 1 cup every 1-2 months of some ratio of the 2 from BRS.

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Then would you say Chemipure Elite is not good? It has carbon and GFO mixed together.


Is the carbon+GFO combo from BRS better quality vs. the Chemipure?


- I do not have a reactor, this would be in the back chambers of a Biocube 29. 1 cup every 1-2 months of some ratio of the 2 from BRS.


It would be most effective placed in direct flow... Such as directly under your floss or in a media rack. Carbon regardless of quality only lasts about 2 weeks... A month is pushing it. GFO should last 1-2 months depending on phosphate content in your tank. I'd recommend starting out with half the recommend amoung of GFO and change it out more frequently. GFO is most effective when tumbled in a reactor but still should provide value in a filter bag.


Chemipure is fine for a small tank IMO. I remember when there was such big hype that you had to run chemipure in your tank your you would be frowned upon. BRS would be a lot cheaper buying in bulk then chemipure if your going through a lot of it. ROX is just flat out expensive but I had to try it out anyway! My tank is crystal clear running a small amount of it in my reactor. But I guess carbon could take out the good things along with the bad. Fortunate for me I do plenty of water changes.

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  • 4 months later...

I think chemipure sucks its over priced and in my opinion there is no way I would keep that in the tank for 2-4 months


night and day difference between using CP and brs roxcarbon and gfo in a reactor


I have even run it passively before and it still performed much better


again this is all my opinion

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