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Coral Vue Hydros

Fluval egde 22ltrs


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Can someone give me some advise I have purchased a second hand fluval edge :happy: : which has been working perfectly well up to transfering my tropical fish I put them in the tank turned on the lights after 10 mins there was smoke appearing from the light unit :o so I turned them off and they no longer work will it be the transformer as tried a new bulb and nothing is working or something more serious will I need a new tank? please advise as fish are without lights

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Seems like something in the fixture fired. I have seen people selling the light bar on here when they go to a different light set up.you could also do like I did and remove the light fixture and make your own diy led set up. The first option will cost you less and you might be able to call fluval and see if you can by the light directly from them. But depending on what you are going to use the tank for it might be worth upgrading to a led setup

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