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Weird type of planaria/flatworm? Help!


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So in the past week i've noticed these little guys on my glass and live rock. I really can't find anything describing what they are, they don't seem to be eating any coral or anything like that, all my coral looks fine. They don't have a red dot on one end like i've read about harmful flatworms, and they have two little tail spikes at their butts. Does anybody know what the heck these are?? I really don't want to use flatworm exit, so if they aren't harming anything i'd rather just let them run their course i guess..i just wanna know what they could be.



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I have the same, like a light red to orange color, pretty fast?


Actually they're like a brown/rust color, and they really aren't moving on their own unless i poke them

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Thanks so much. Whats weird is that they are staying pretty small. in the pic of the websites they look huge and mine are still tiny after a week. Also it doesn't seem like they're getting out of hand (yet) *knock on wood* soo i guess that's a good thing?

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I don't know how big your tank is, but I have a Melanurus wrasse, never even seen a flatworm. They're nicely colored and peaceful as well so you might look into it depending on your tank size.

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Thanks guys! They seem to be eating algae, and I have a small yellow candy hogfish who nips at the rocks occasionally, not sure if he's eating them or if he's eating pods. I also have a mystery wrasse but I think he's too big to notice them since they're so tiny. My tank is a 28 gal. nano cube so a Melanurus isn't really appropriate. If anyone else has had experience with these please say so!

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