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new sebae anemone


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i got this sebae anemone a couple days ago and it seems to be a lot more white then it was the other day when i bought it from the LFS it was a nice tan color anyone can help me with this? or and i being paranoid.


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If I understand you correctly, it was tan at the LFS, but now it is bleaching? If so, bleaching is usually a sign of stress. Could be water parameters, or a lighting issue.


It looks like yours is a Heteractis Crispa. While not an expensive animal, they can be quite delicate and one of the harder species to care for.


How long has your tank been running? What type of lighting do you use? And lastly, what are you water parameters?

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Tanks bin running for over a year. Its a JBJ 89watt LED tank. Have not checked the parameters lately but I do a 5% water change weekly.

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Stuff looks different under different lighting.



I'd say that it hasn't been in place long enough for it to have bleached or colored up appreciably, and it sounds like your lighting is up to snuff. I would wait a few weeks to a month and then consider whether you like the color, as most nems and corals will adapt their coloration to the light that comes in somewhat. That's also a normal color for a sebae to me.


LEDs tend to accentuate blues and run a cooler color temperature than regular fluorescents, white T5s, or halides under 14k or so (broad sweeping generalization about the way fixtures are configured). Tan comes from warmer color temperatures and is generally less desirable, and LFS lighting is usually not LED or extremely blue configurations... that all points back to my initial point, your lighting is probably actually 'better' than the lighting it is under and it looks whiter as a result.

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it was looking great all day till tonight when i did a water change then all the sudden it started to look like the pics attached.



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it was looking great all day till tonight when i did a water change then all the sudden it started to look like the pics attached.


What are you feeding it and how much? My RBT would look like that after it regurgitated a chunk of shrimp, then it would be back to normal in an hour.

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bin feeding mysis shrimp. bin feeding kinda often. i read someplace that if it is bleaching it needs to be feed a lil more till it regains its zooxanthellae.

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That's certainly true, but I doubt that it's bleaching. It deflating and regurgitating food is also a sign that it's being fed too much. Feed no more than every other day, and I wouldn't do more than a 3/8-1/2" cube portion size.


Has it recovered from the deflated look? Has it regurgitated any white stringy stuff?

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This morning it looked great all inflated then around 1:30 is started to deflate again and when i got home from work at 5 it is now flipped inside out. any recovering? or is it a goner?

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Agreed, that looks like anemone guts.


Do you have any idea what it was regurgitating in the earlier picture? It sure didn't look like mysis remains to me, maybe the anemone ate something that tore up its insides...


Are you missing any crabs or hard shelled inverts?



I'm sorry to say it, but if your anemone recovers, I would count it as a miracle. I'd check frequently to remove it (or give it an hour or two and just go now) because a dead nem that size can foul up your water right quick.

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There's something about your tank chemistry it does not like. A cycle of inflation/deflation is the sure sign of stressed nem. I'd say it's a goner. When they're spitting out their mesenterial filaments (stringy guts) they're usually on the way out.

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