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Cultivated Reef

Best food for your acans?


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I have been doing some research and I see many different methods and formulas of food. This is my first set of acans and I want them to grow big and hearty! I was wondering what types of food have you guys used and had the best results. Thanks for your time and opinions




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You should be able to place a mysis shrimp on each polyp a few times each week (when their feeders are out).



mysis in each mouth 1-2 x per week and they will be happy little suckers!

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Throw some rods food in the tank for 15 min to entice them, this helps get the feeders out. Some tougher to feed acans project tentacles at night after lights out.

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Throw some rods food in the tank for 15 min to entice them, this helps get the feeders out. Some tougher to feed acans project tentacles at night after lights out.


rods food?

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rods food?


It's a frozen food with a various mix of different food particle sizes to accommodate a wide range of fish and corals. I've used it and it's pretty awesome. My acans do prefer mysis though, a long pair of stainless steel tweezers are the best for spot feeding in my opinion, also a pipet would be great.

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My acans eat anything meaty I throw down. Mysis Shrimp, Enriched Brine Shrimp, Oyster Eggs, etc.


Mine have always been the same. I like to feed Reef Caviar as well because it is crazy high in nutrients. Be careful though, because more nutrients means more waste.

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