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Brown stuff.


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Any know what this brown stuff is? Is it Diatom? Its not attached to the rocks. If I disturb the water it floats. It looks like maybe detrius? Only theres nothing in my tank yet. Just 5lbs of live rock, 25lbs of base rock and 30lbs of live sand. Could this be detrius from organic matter that was left in my base rock? I did a 10% muratic acid bath for about 5 minutes on all the base rock.





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Detritus. Came inside either base or live rock. Doesn't matter either way, suck it out.



+1 ^^^


I dont know what other people do, but if i see stuff like that settling in more than on place in my tank I increase the flow.

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Thanks. I figured that what it was. Tank is 7 weeks into the cycle. Would this affect my ammonia levels? My API test has been showing .25-.5 PPM. I chalked it up to just the API test being wrong. Nitrites are 0 and Nitrates are 20 PPM. I haven't done any water changes as of yet. Was planning on one this weekend before I start adding the CUC and maybe a shrimp or clown. May wait a few weeks on the clown. I have been thinking about getting another power head to increase flow. Currently have the upgraded Cobalt MJ1200 pump and a Hydor 450. Have been thinking about adding the Hydor 750 or 1050 to increase flow. Can't get the wife to let me splurge on the MP10. She wants to see fish and coral in it before she will let me put too much more money in it. This thing is like a government job. The cost just keep spiraling out of control.. :lol:


By the way this is a 29g Coralife Biocube.

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7 weeks? Get your cuc already. Api ammonia test kit sucks... I have it. But it should not be reading .5. Test freshly mixed saltwater and test your tank. If the color matches your @ 0.

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7 weeks? Get your cuc already. Api ammonia test kit sucks... I have it. But it should not be reading .5. Test freshly mixed saltwater and test your tank. If the color matches your @ 0.


Went on vacation and a work trip so the past 2 weeks I've been out. Didn't want to put things in and then leave it. Ordered the 15 gallon quick crew from reef cleaners today. Should have them Friday.

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Went on vacation and a work trip so the past 2 weeks I've been out. Didn't want to put things in and then leave it. Ordered the 15 gallon quick crew from reef cleaners today. Should have them Friday.


lol I've ordered one today too. Also the 15g with a few extras. I normally get mine locally but these are so cheap and I want to see the hype. I've got dried algae that I put on a clip if I see my tank really clean. Don't want them to die or loose their apetite!

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