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Premium Aquatics Aquarium Supplies

Quick heater recommendation


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Hmm... heaters. I used to like the old stealth heaters, but they changed them and now I don't trust them. I wish there was one I really liked. A number of people seem to like Jager heaters.


I haven't tried the one you mentioned, but it looks alright. I'd get the 100W version and still put it on a controller as a safety precaution.

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Thanks everyone. I decided to pull the trigger on the one I listed above. The price was right, along with the reviews. Reeftankguy also helped me along. I just wasn't sure because i never heard of the brand before.


Thanks again for your input.

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  • 1 month later...
Thanks everyone. I decided to pull the trigger on the one I listed above. The price was right, along with the reviews. Reeftankguy also helped me along. I just wasn't sure because i never heard of the brand before.


Thanks again for your input.


How has this been working for you? My last tank cooked from a bad heater, so I am not running one now, but the tank is getting to 76 at night.

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How has this been working for you? My last tank cooked from a bad heater, so I am not running one now, but the tank is getting to 76 at night.

Sorry, just saw this now.


I'm almost positive it is where I have the probe in relation the the heater, but in my specific application, it is off by a few degrees. I forget how much exactly, I think it's 4. It does however, keep my tank CONSTANT. I like it, and would recomend it to others looking for a cheap, well made heater.

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