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Innovative Marine Aquariums

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I am looking to buy some new SPS pieces for my tank and am having a hard time finding them.


I am looking to buy these (or very similar alternatives).


- Red Planet

- Cali Tort

- Tyree Bali Tri-color

- GARF Bonsai


I have checked some sites and the sponsor section (of course) :happy: to no avail. Any help would be appreciated.



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That sir, is what I was looking for


*DAAEEEEUUUMMMM $90.00 for a 1/2" oregon tort. I picked a 3" piece up for $120.00 two weeks ago.


Never seen that site before, absolutely awesome stuff, albeit really expensive!

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That sir, is what I was looking for


*DAAEEEEUUUMMMM $90.00 for a 1/2" oregon tort. I picked a 3" piece up for $120.00 two weeks ago.


Never seen that site before, absolutely awesome stuff, albeit really expensive!

Ma'am actually. And the prices haven't been updated in a while but the frags are really generous sizes usually and the owner almost always throws in a freebie

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Ordering online is crazy, unless you live in some rural area with absolutely no reefers. I paid 20 bucks for. 3" Oregon tort.


Yeah it's a slow grower, but it's not rare. If you find the right reefer who's had the colony for 5+ years, frags won't hold much value to them.


Support your local reef club!

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Ma'am actually. And the prices haven't been updated in a while but the frags are really generous sizes usually and the owner almost always throws in a freebie


My apologies. So when you say the prices haven't been updated should I contact him about new pricing?


Ordering online is crazy, unless you live in some rural area with absolutely no reefers. I paid 20 bucks for. 3" Oregon tort.


Yeah it's a slow grower, but it's not rare. If you find the right reefer who's had the colony for 5+ years, frags won't hold much value to them.


Support your local reef club!


Problem is my local LFS is very small. I live in a pretty small urban area, its hard to get high quality / high end frags. The fish stores and "reef" club around here are all about softies.

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My apologies. So when you say the prices haven't been updated should I contact him about new pricing?


The pricing is still pretty much the same but she gives decent sized frags and deals if you buy more than one or two corals. Send her an email and see what she can work out. She will also tell you if particular corals aren't looking too great right now and will suggest and alternative instead of sending a bad coral.

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The pricing is still pretty much the same but she gives decent sized frags and deals if you buy more than one or two corals. Send her an email and see what she can work out. She will also tell you if particular corals aren't looking too great right now and will suggest and alternative instead of sending a bad coral.


Shot her an email, will see what happens =) thanks again you have been very helpful.

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:happy: ORA Red Planet Tables are sold at a little place called Vivid Aquariums. They have a website.


40 bucks for a 1 inch frag.


I have been there and have ordered online. I think they are known for their wide selection of SPS


cool site you should check it out :)

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