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Cultivated Reef

Need ID on this strange thing?


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I discovered my favorite electric blue hermit died last night. I've had him for a long time, he was quite large.


I found this in the sand, when I first took it out of the aquarium there was a small chunk of white meat attached to the dark side of this strange shell looking thing. I'm thinking it must be something from the hermit, I have no idea?




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Its the bottom "trap door" part of a snail. Forgot the actual name of the part. I'm not sure which kind exactly, but I have them too. When the snails die, that part separates from the shell.

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thanks for the help. I just realized that the hermit didn't die at all, he stole a very large snail's shell. RIP snail.


My hermit did the same thing last night as well.

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