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Pod Your Reef

Ada 60f small reef possibilities


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Hi guys,


I thought I'd share with you a pic of my ada60f in place in my new house, ready and waiting for its re-build after having to run it down a few months back when I moved out of my old apartment.


Basically I've previously had it running skimmer free hosting a pair of clowns, however as you can see from the pic I've built myself a light stand to keep the tank as clear and spacious as possible and want to develop a reef to really emphasise this look. Ideally I'd like to create a new system 'possibly focussing on a blue theme', skimmer free and just using external filtration I'm also investing in other new bits such as the vortech mp10.


I've researched quite a few of the other ada60f themes created and love some of the stuff done, so I thought I'd open it up to everyone to see if you've got any good ideas ?. Apologies for the dark picture, that's the best my iPad could do!


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