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BC29 koralia size ?


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The reason i am asking is. I see people use everything from a single nano,2 nanos up to 750's + and every thing in between. I am trying to get an idea what most people are using without getting sand storms in there tanks or having a monster power head in there tanks.

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The reason i am asking is. I see people use everything from a single nano,2 nanos up to 750's + and every thing in between. I am trying to get an idea what most people are using without getting sand storms in there tanks or having a monster power head in there tanks.


Addressing that question probably starts with another question ... what kind of sand substrate are you using?

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I wanted to go with a fine sand like sugar sand. As for fish going to start with clowns and maybe a yellow watchmen goby. corals will be softs to start i don't want to get to complex in the beginning. I still have a lot of reading and research to do.

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I wanted to go with a fine sand like sugar sand. As for fish going to start with clowns and maybe a yellow watchmen goby. corals will be softs to start i don't want to get to complex in the beginning. I still have a lot of reading and research to do.


I would advise against sugar-sized sand, as it will blow around like crazy with any sort of decent flow you add. Myself and many others have had great success with "Seaflor Special Grade Reef Sand"



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i really don't like the look of the Seaflor Special Grade Reef Sand but i have read that people like it because it is less cloudy and stays in place. so if i were to use it what do you suggest

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I am running a 750 and a 550 on a RKL wave maker. Once the sand settled (after the pistol shrimp moved everything) the tank is clear. No problem with too much flow.

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I am running a 750 and a 550 on a RKL wave maker. Once the sand settled (after the pistol shrimp moved everything) the tank is clear. No problem with too much flow.


Do your Koralias create bubbles when they just turn on on, on the wavemaker? I tried running to of them on a wavemaker, but each time the RKL turned the unit on bubbles would come out.

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