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LED Reef Lighting for the Non-DIY


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Trying to find a decent LED set up that is basically plug and play, yet still affordable. Found something that looked promising, but understand the 1W may not be sufficient to grow my corals (not SPS/Acros) and can't tell if this has a heat sink or not.


Has anyone tried this and found it to work or not work on mid-small sized tanks? http://www.drsfostersmith.com/product/prod...fm?pcatid=25222


If it doesn't work, any other LED options out there for someone on a restricted budget?



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Trying to find a decent LED set up that is basically plug and play, yet still affordable. Found something that looked promising, but understand the 1W may not be sufficient to grow my corals (not SPS/Acros) and can't tell if this has a heat sink or not.


Has anyone tried this and found it to work or not work on mid-small sized tanks? http://www.drsfostersmith.com/product/prod...fm?pcatid=25222


If it doesn't work, any other LED options out there for someone on a restricted budget?




What size/depth tank do you need to light? The Finnex Ray II fixtures are priced pretty low, but according to their own PAR graphs at 15" depth they provide about 50 PAR. My tank only has a water depth of 9" so I should get, according to their graph, 110 - 120 PAR on my sand bed. I have one ordered and when it arrives I will post before/after shots.

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The biggest problem in the big name fixtures right now is extreme lack of spectrum. You get cool white and blue (and usually both are made with cheap, no-name brand LEDs that use crappy phosphors for even worse color) and that's about it - anything higher in spectrum demands a much higher pricetag, usually starting around $450-500. Without that additional spectrum, however, your corals will not be as colorful, and the light will give your tank a 'cold' look to it, if you get what I'm saying.

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That's part of the problem. It's a 75 gallon tank so I have a lot of length and water depth to cover. The current fixture is two 250 MH (ballast died) that are not working and two actinics that are keeping things holding on for now but also growing a lot of algae as well.


The other part of the problem is I am electronically challenged. If I did it myself chances are pretty good the wiring in the house would blow! B)

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