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Dad/Daughter Nano Tank (PICS)


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Hey guys and gals -- here's my first post at Nano Reef.


I set this tank up a few months after my daughter was born. I figured that we could watch it grow and have it be a special father-daughter thing that we do together. It's kind of sappy, yes. But it has turned out to be the coolest thing ever.


I have owned a lot of fish tanks, the biggest being my 125g rr tank that was a sps-mixed reef. It was awesome, but then I got out of the hobby for a few years until I decided to start back up with it after Ellie was born.




Sorry, shameless parent post...


Anyway as far as the tank goes...


Since I bought it, it has had its ups and downs as it has matured, I've lost some coral and the clown fish's anenome.:( But I have committed to getting this thing looking great.




In chamber 1, there is a PhosPad deal (one of the expensive $12.00 deals that does chemical and mechanical filtration), Chamber 2 has the live rock, no chaeto. Chamber 3 has a MJ900.


I bought for it a LED light from aquatraders, yes I know people say their stuff is ghetto, but it's always been good for me, and I have owned a lot of it... I had to do a ghetto rig of my own, I removed the CF lights from the orginial hood, they take too much space up and LEDs look better. I kept the moonlights. Here are a few pictures of my "engineering"





Anyway, we are hoping to meet some new friends here on the message boards and eventaully be tank of the month.


It's gonna take some work :D


Livestock right now is a 6 line wrasse and a yellow clownfish. We also have a couple of hermits in there. Picking up some more livestock and coral tonight, we are excited.


There are also a few polyps here and there and the kenya tree. The pictures aren't really indicitive of how nice the tank actually is, the lights had been burned out for 1 week before I was able to get the new LED fixture.





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I cant see the pictures, theres just a red "X" there :o


Thanks, let me fix that


They're hosted by photobucket, supposed to be public...




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Koralia needs to be moved to the back wall on the right side IMO. That'll randomize your flow a bit more instead of creating a circular (laminar) flow. Scape needs to be stacked a little different to allow for more water flow through the tank. You want as little rock on the sand bed as possible. I see some hair algae popping up and it looks like your scape might just trap more and more detritus. Trapped nutrients will just fuel the hair algae. You can always take a hammer and screw driver and break up the larger chunks of rock. I just took my BC14 down last night and put all the rock and sand in my 180 to seed it.

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Welcome to N-R from a fellow BC14 owner!


What lights were you running for the Anemone?




I had the stock lights in there at the time, I bought it used, so it wasn't my idea to put the bubble tip in there, I'd have never done that on my own. I waited too long, or it would be alive in someone elses tank right now...




Koralia needs to be moved to the back wall on the right side IMO. That'll randomize your flow a bit more instead of creating a circular (laminar) flow. Scape needs to be stacked a little different to allow for more water flow through the tank. You want as little rock on the sand bed as possible. I see some hair algae popping up and it looks like your scape might just trap more and more detritus. Trapped nutrients will just fuel the hair algae. You can always take a hammer and screw driver and break up the larger chunks of rock. I just took my BC14 down last night and put all the rock and sand in my 180 to seed it.



Thanks for the advice, Mike. Some of the positionin of the rock is due to some hitchickers to whom I am trying to give some light. Yes, we are having a bit of a hair algae bloom right now. I am stopping by the LFS tonight to pick up some hermits and I will definitely change up the powerhead to see what we can come up with. I am not really in love with the way it was set up. I'd prefer to have everything set up correctly instead of having to treat problems.


Thanks again for the advice, I will post new pics after I get done tonight and maybe give me a few more pointers.




What a cool dad. :happy:


;) I'll be a cool dad for now. But when she gets older, she will hopefully think I am ajerk all the time. That way I will know I'm doing a good job.

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