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Clownfish hosting elegance coral


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So i just purchased a clownfish to accompany another clownfish of mine. Today is the second day i've had him and he seems to really enjoy the elegance coral. Now i have read somewhere that it isn't healthy for elegance corals to be hosted by clownfish. Is this true? Or will it be safe for my coral if my clown decides to host it?



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So i just purchased a clownfish to accompany another clownfish of mine. Today is the second day i've had him and he seems to really enjoy the elegance coral. Now i have read somewhere that it isn't healthy for elegance corals to be hosted by clownfish. Is this true? Or will it be safe for my coral if my clown decides to host it?






They will all be fine. I had a mated pair of skunks live and spawn on an elegance for years till i moved them.

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They will all be fine. I had a mated pair of skunks live and spawn on an elegance for years till i moved them.


When was this though, Zeph? Elegance are being lost left, right, and centre to ECS. I would really not want anything to bother a newly acquired elegance.

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See that is my worry. I've had the elegance for about 3 weeks now and it looks like its doing really great. Even though i got it really cheap (60 bucks for about a 7-8 inch piece) i would hate to lose it because of a little 15 dollar clownfish

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Kush . . . have a read through this. http://reefkeeping.com/issues/2008-01/eb/index.php


I've lost an elegance (possibly to ECS), and a friend of mine just lost another one to it. I don't know if exposure means eventual death, or if healthy specimens can fight it off and recover. I lost my elegance very quickly (within ten days). It took a little longer for my friend's to start showing symptoms and die.


For a healthy elegance coral I wouldn't worry about it being bothered by the clown (I'd be more worried about the clown being eaten by it). I worry that your clown's attention could weaken the elegance's defences and allow ECS to take hold: if it has been exposed to to the disease.

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When was this though, Zeph? Elegance are being lost left, right, and centre to ECS. I would really not want anything to bother a newly acquired elegance.

I agree with you for the most part. I've had lots if elegance corals over the years and have learned a few things. The biggest problem seams to be bacterial infections/brown jelly disease. Most likely from poor collecting methods. I rank them similar to gonioporas which everyone knows are also tricky, possibly for the same reasons. The best thing you can do for these species is only get them if they are from Australia, and disinfect immediately with a coral cleanser or lugols. Also like gonioporas, they should get used to the clowns and not be bothered by them for long.

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Enigma, what your saying defiantly makes sense. It hasn't showed any signs of ECS yet but i really dont want its immune system to lower to the point where it does start to show signs. On the other hand, i love the look of my clownfish enjoying the elegance. If it is safe for the elegance i would love to leave everything alone. If u really do think my elegance will die because of the clown, what are some ways to get the clown away from the elegance ?

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