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Mysterious Clown Death


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Hey all,


sad day today, came home from work, looked in the tank, couldnt find one of my clowns, so i searched a little and she was behind a rock, dead, being eaten by a hermit crab. So some of the trauma on the upper fins is from the hermit crab.


I fished her out and put her in a container to get some photos for you guys. I'm curious if you can tell anything about what may have been wrong with her, i noticed her loss of color about two days ago and then today she is ALOT less orange than she was. I tested the water and got 0 ammonia 0 nitrite and 20 nitrate. Which is pretty normal.


I did note that a mushroom coral was angry looking but he has been angry since i caught a hermit crawling over it. My other clown, snails, hermits, and shrimps all are doing fine, knock on wood.


Any ideas what could have gone wrong? I really appreciate it!








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Sorry :(

Was it eating during the past few days? It looks a bit skinny and a loss of appetite could be the symptom of illness.



Oh sorry i definitely meant to put that in my original post. Yes it has been eating frozen mysis shrimp, i have been alternating frozen mysis with instant ocean marine pellets. She never wanted anything to do with the pellets but always ate up the mysis. I missed a day of feeding last weekend, i dont feel like that would have been enough to starve her but i dont really know.


I usually put in about 5 pellets because thats all the other clown eats and she always spat them out.


The mysis shrimp i would put about 1/4 of a frozen block in per day. I thought that was enough for two fish because there was always left over for the sexy shrimps and the hermit crabs always got some as well.


Thank you!

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Any excess mucous on her?


There looks like there's some odd lumps on the ventral side between the mouth and fins... Some discoloration there, too that looks internal...

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Hey all,


sad day today, came home from work, looked in the tank, couldnt find one of my clowns, so i searched a little and she was behind a rock, dead, being eaten by a hermit crab. So some of the trauma on the upper fins is from the hermit crab.


I fished her out and put her in a container to get some photos for you guys. I'm curious if you can tell anything about what may have been wrong with her, i noticed her loss of color about two days ago and then today she is ALOT less orange than she was. I tested the water and got 0 ammonia 0 nitrite and 20 nitrate. Which is pretty normal.


I did note that a mushroom coral was angry looking but he has been angry since i caught a hermit crawling over it. My other clown, snails, hermits, and shrimps all are doing fine, knock on wood.


Any ideas what could have gone wrong? I really appreciate it!


Here's a link to fish diseases including Clownfish disease which may help you in identifying what may have happened.


You may want to watch the other fish as if it is a disease that spreads you will have to QT the others and treat them.





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Any excess mucous on her?


There looks like there's some odd lumps on the ventral side between the mouth and fins... Some discoloration there, too that looks internal...

I agree. Clownfish probably had some sort of parasite as it looks pretty skinny for eating so hardily.

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Thanks everyone! Haven't quite figured out what it was yet, but i have very watching the other clown in the tank very closely ever since yesterdays incident, he seems to be doing fine, eats everyone is fat and swims around all day. His color is also a much deeper almost glowing orange color, he always has had better color than the female.


If it makes i difference i do know that she was wild caught, i only learned that after i took her home and the lfs changed their minds and said she was wc. the male is tank bred.


Thanks so much for all the replies, as always i appreciate all the help.

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