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Coral Vue Hydros



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Awsome setup!!!! What overflow is that if you don't mind me asking? I've been wanting to start the same style tank and don't know if I want to drill it or have HOB overflow and the one you have is really clean and doesn't take up too much space. How are you liking the SOL over you tank? Again awsome setup this makes me hate my tank even more lol

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nice setup.


I really like the minimal aquascaping on that tank.


what is the tank dimension if you do not mind.


thanks! its 30x30x12 deep blue frag tank

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Awsome setup!!!! What overflow is that if you don't mind me asking? I've been wanting to start the same style tank and don't know if I want to drill it or have HOB overflow and the one you have is really clean and doesn't take up too much space. How are you liking the SOL over you tank? Again awsome setup this makes me hate my tank even more lol



i know what u feel since i made a tank transfer lol i have a moded nano overflow i think its eshopps brand. it was modified so it can keep up with the flow of my return pump. there is a reef ready version but its like double the price and the stand i made will not fit the holes under the tank. yeah about the sOL I raised it up to like 15-17in above the water so it can cover more areas, it was used to be 12in. i love the shimmer effects.


Your scape works well with the tank dims. Great job.


*waits for the tang police to show up* :P




the tang was bought by my wife she wants the cast of nemo! so cant do anything about it lol






Awesome tank it looks really clean! You should post more specs.


When copying pics over from photobucket copy and paste the link that starts with "IMG" and the pics will show up in your post like below.



cool man thanks!!! i was havin a problem posting pics and u solved the mystery lol thanks again

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