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Inverts don't live long.

Iam King

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Inverts some of them don't live long. I have alge problem I change the water weekly and test it everything seems fine but the alge is still here the cuc is is not lasting. It's a 10g with one yellow tail damsel. live rock as filter. Thank

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Could be a number of things.


- Salinity fluctuations

- Copper or other heavy metals in the water

- Medications in the water (or previously used in the tank) that are not invert-safe

- Stray current in the water

- Improper acclimation (it's usually best to drip acclimate inverts)

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Have you tested the TDS of your water? are you using RO, distilled, or tap?


CUCs are great at helping to battle a problem, but there is a problem. Not only could it be killing your inverts, but it can actually be the cause of your algae problems as well. The only true way to battle problem algaes is to kill the source thats fueling them, not just buy animals to eat them.


I have had the same nassarius snails live for 3+ years. As stated previously, there are many facotrs that can be causing your animals to die.

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- Salinity fluctuations

- Improper acclimation (it's usually best to drip acclimate inverts)


^^^ These two are probably the most likely. Otherwise, we'll need to know more about your system. How long has it been up and running? What do you use for a water source: tap, ro, ro/di? Do you have a sand bed?

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I found out that after my emerald crab died, my remaining crabs and snails are still here. Could it be that you have someone in your tank with a hefty appetite for inverts? Or is there a remote possibility that you have an undiscovered pistol or mantis shrimp in your tank?

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^^^ These two are probably the most likely. Otherwise, we'll need to know more about your system. How long has it been up and running? What do you use for a water source: tap, ro, ro/di? Do you have a sand bed?

System been set up for 8 months. Water is distilled. Yes there's a sandbed.


Have you tested the TDS of your water? are you using RO, distilled, or tap?


CUCs are great at helping to battle a problem, but there is a problem. Not only could it be killing your inverts, but it can actually be the cause of your algae problems as well. The only true way to battle problem algaes is to kill the source thats fueling them, not just buy animals to eat them.


I have had the same nassarius snails live for 3+ years. As stated previously, there are many facotrs that can be causing your animals to die.

Distilled water.

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- Improper acclimation (it's usually best to drip acclimate inverts)


Not according to John @ ReeefCleaners... His guidance for CUC inverts is 15 minute temperature acclimate only.


OP, What are the critters in this CUC?

Some snails sold as CUC aren't appropriate for reef tanks due to temperature requirements.


Could a yellow tail damsel survive a stray electrical current that was strong enough to kill inverts?

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Can you post some pictures of the tank. I wonder if your CUC is starving. There are so many different types of algae, maybe what you have isn't food for the CUC.

How do I post pics? I've taken a few with my cell phone.

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in photobucket if you click pic, then select view links, click the IMG link (4th one down) to copy the location

and then paste it into the reply you are typing!



do you have all the same type of snails? when i got my pack from reefcleaners, they mixed in at least 3 different types, which should each eat something different

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in photobucket if you click pic, then select view links, click the IMG link (4th one down) to copy the location

and then paste it into the reply you are typing!



do you have all the same type of snails? when i got my pack from reefcleaners, they mixed in at least 3 different types, which should each eat something different


No there not all the same snails the most of them have died. i got my pack from reefcleaners also.

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To get rid of the algae take each rock out scrub rinse it some water from a water change, dip it in a peroxide and saltwater (from a water change) bath, put them back in. If you bought your tank used test for copper that is one thing that could be killing your invertebrates. Is your salinity stable?

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To get rid of the algae take each rock out scrub rinse it some water from a water change, dip it in a peroxide and saltwater (from a water change) bath, put them back in. If you bought your tank used test for copper that is one thing that could be killing your invertebrates. Is your salinity stable?

salinity stable yes.

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