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Mushroom melted!(I think)


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for the past few days i saw white around my mushrooms mouth and thought nothing of it. Today when i came home it was haning there like a peice of string with some white goopy stuff on the rock next to it. IT appears my clown fish and one of my hermits is eating the white goopy stuff. any one have any ideas what could of happen? the clown fish is new to my tank so do you think it could have tried to eat it? The other mushrooms of the same kind are right net to this one and seem fine and my zoas and corky sea finger seem fine as well.




I just noticed that my clown was nipping at the other mushroom right next to where this one use to be as well.

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I don't believe that your clownfish is trying to eat coral. That would be highly unusual.


Mushrooms are pretty hardy in general. How's your water quality?

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I don't believe that your clownfish is trying to eat coral. That would be highly unusual.


Mushrooms are pretty hardy in general. How's your water quality?



I have not tested my water but it should be fine as everything else is doing well and i do waterchanges every Thursday. Today i noticed that there is a Vermetid snail right next to the liverock where the coral use to be. I have read about them and it said they are reef safe but may irritate corals. Think this may have had something to do with it?

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