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Cultivated Reef

Anyone seen this tank?


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I came across Clear Diamond Aquariums and have been looking at their 50gallon cube set up. Comes with stand, Sump/Refugium with sump and return pump, already plumbed. I currently have a MR.Aqua 33.6 that I have been debating building a stand for and drilling and setting up. My questions is the Clear Diamond a better deal? I have seen them cheaper on Craigslist as well. Any advice would be great.




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I have never heard of them, but I do know that the skimmer they include is just a $75 cheapie you can get on ebay. Also, by the fact that they don't list a brand or model for the return pump you can probably assume that it too is an off brand item.


Then again, as long as the glass is good and the thing is sealed right, all the rest of it can be repaired/replaced as needed.

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