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Innovative Marine Aquariums

TL550 wit sum Swag


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Hi there fellow reefers.. i am from Cape town South Africa and am the proud owner of a TL550 boyu aquarium. Ive been a reefer for the past 5 yrs and went through the whole tank size phase and finally after much exploring of diferent tank sizes and options,i ended up with my 9th tank with which i am nw settled and most comfortable with....the BOYU TL550


now i wont bore you guys/girls with history of my previous tanks lol,but rather get started on a brief descrition of my current


tank is standard Boyu TL550

skimmer is a reef octopus BH1000

reef octopus mini hang on reactor for my rhowaphos

pump is a Vortech MP10wES

lights is Radion XR30 unit


tank has aprox 18kgs of blue fiji liverock and sugar fine aragonite base of 1-2cm thick


this tank is mainly SPS and Zoas.... and without dosing,i just do weekly 20litre water changes with Aquamedic reef salt+.. do note i DO NOT TEST..... im a believer in non-testing as from previous experience testing caused too much havoc .i let my tank speak to me...so without talking much more, i will post some pics to show how far i am... tank is nearly 7months running and going strong with the help of prodibio,please note this nano contains 2 tangs, a yellow and a purple of same size (small) and they are extremely happy chappies and wen they are bigger will be moved to new larger tang .here are some pics











do note that these pics are taken with a cellphone as i do not posess any photography skills and do not own a decent camera YET :lol:

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That is a dense population of Zoas!, nice tank


thanks, yeah making the most of space and colours not as pastel as most tanks on here but unfortunately here in SA we not as lucky to get those lovely colour zoas :lol:


wow cant escape the tank police :lol:

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