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Cultivated Reef

So excited for tomorrow :D


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Now...give me a discount.

Hahaha thanks

I feel because of that discount my paycheck is going to be gone lol


+1 congrats



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When I place my orders make sure they get sorted out correctly! :)


No problem mike, u assisted me in the past with an order and i would extend my customer service to you :)


congrats! give it your best :)


Thanks... Sure will :)

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Dude, congrats man! How are the acans doing btw?

Ben!!!!!! Thanks man, looking really forward to it......how u been?. I been so busy that i havent been able to do any updates but yeah they are doing great, still havent bought my kessil light :tears: , i figure it will be a xmas present for myself... Hahaha


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Deleted User 4
Ben!!!!!! Thanks man, looking really forward to it......how u been?. I been so busy that i havent been able to do any updates but yeah they are doing great, still havent bought my kessil light :tears: , i figure it will be a xmas present for myself... Hahaha



Good to hear that your acans are doing well. I've been the same as always. That's a good idea of congratulating yourself :)

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