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2 AI Nano SOLs or 1 Radion over a 40B?


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Micro-Reefs Aquariums

I don't have a Vega, but I had an AI Sol Blue with controller over a 25 gallon and never used the power over 60 percent!


Construction is great and it never faulted on me! I have seen the Radion at my LFS and they are nice, the Full Spectrum is to die for!


If the Vega is like its sister than I give it thumbs up!

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1 ai vega :)


Will the Vega give me 36" spread? The reason I liked the nanos because they look like a vega cut in half! The vega looks cool but not sure on spread..

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Micro-Reefs Aquariums
Will the Vega give me 36" spread? The reason I liked the nanos because they look like a vega cut in half! The vega looks cool but not sure on spread..


Spread can easily be obtained with raising or lowering your fixture. The Vega in my opinion is clearly better in coloration than the AI nano hands down!

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Spread can easily be obtained with raising or lowering your fixture. The Vega in my opinion is clearly better in coloration than the AI nano hands down!


So at 18" up I can still grow SPS with the Vega Color!?!

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radion in my opinion over the ai. and the lens does make a differance. i have mine over a 26x24x24 and having alot of groth out of a mixed reef. plus i love the controls the radion has.

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2 vegas


Im in highschool... I cant spent $1080+ on 2 $500 lights, $80 controller, and tax. I would love to have 2 though! :P


radion in my opinion over the ai. and the lens does make a differance. i have mine over a 26x24x24 and having alot of groth out of a mixed reef. plus i love the controls the radion has.


So if I got the radion and the tir lens would I have sufficient coverage(>3" of shadowing on each side? if raised high enough? Also I will probably be buying the light around Christmas.. Maybe by then there will be some good Vega vs Radion comparisons!

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Im in highschool... I cant spent $1080+ on 2 $500 lights, $80 controller, and tax. I would love to have 2 though! :P




So if I got the radion and the tir lens would I have sufficient coverage(>3" of shadowing on each side? if raised high enough? Also I will probably be buying the light around Christmas.. Maybe by then there will be some good Vega vs Radion comparisons!

Both are way overpriced for what they are. The best value would be DIY, or the Maxspect Razor.

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Both are way overpriced for what they are. The best value would be DIY, or the Maxspect Razor.


What is a good fixture from your site that is controllable and would cover a 40B?

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What is a good fixture from your site that is controllable and would cover a 40B?


Think this was your best question yet. KKK. Change your title to this question, it might give you more input. Good luck, as I really want a 40B to when I get back to the sates.

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according to ecotech it covers a 30x30 area . and i have mine set at only 60 percent. i haven't had any real complaints about it other then have to drag my laptop near the fixture to change any major settings. but with the lap top u get extreme control over the lighting schedule . i researched for ever before buying them and just decided to go with the ecotech. i have seen the ai nano in person and i believe the radion is better. and as far as diying leds.. i have done the aquastyle led kit and wasn't too impressed but then again i only spent 90 bucks for 12 leds, tho it was fun building it.

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Im in highschool... I cant spent $1080+ on 2 $500 lights, $80 controller, and tax. I would love to have 2 though! :P




So if I got the radion and the tir lens would I have sufficient coverage(>3" of shadowing on each side? if raised high enough? Also I will probably be buying the light around Christmas.. Maybe by then there will be some good Vega vs Radion comparisons!

oh i feel it,i just graduated last year.

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I don't think you can beat the maxspect razor for it's coverage, power, full spectrum capability, price, and slick looks. I've been pricing out DIY setups and no matter what you do, you can't quite beat the total package that the razor offers at a decent price. The advantages i see with the vega/radion are the future possibilities of led module changes and if you have a specific need to have more elaborate controls over each individual color.

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