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Peppermint shrimp question??


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Anyone else have peppermint shrimp/s? I currently have 1 in my 10 gallon and he is so darn shy. He like never comes out and it is very rare that he will stay out long enough for me to get a good glimpse of him/her.


Sometimes I won't see him for 2 days and then suddenly he'll stick his head out but woala. It is gone again!!!


Would he be more frienldy if I added another one?



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When I had two peppermints, they would often come out of hiding to grab food, clean my hand, investigate new additions to the tank...but one died not too long ago and the other stays hidden. So you may be right that a friend is all he needs.



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Add a feather duster and some polyps and your peppermint will be out all the time... killing them. At least that was my experience. Here's how it went:

Day 1: Shy and hiding

Day 2: Shy and hiding

Day 3: Shy and hiding

Day 4: Molt and hiding

Day 5: Relentlessly attacking my feather duster and eating my polyps

Later in Day 5: In a pitcher of salt water waiting to go back to lfs


My advice would be to return the peppermint and get a skunk cleaner.

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My peppermint used to be out pretty often. He would even take food from my hands. And when I fed my corals, I would have to fend him off with a pair of tweezers. I think it all depends on the shrimp. Oh, and mine never touched my polyps.

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Originally posted by jdiver

Add a feather duster and some polyps and your peppermint will be out all the time... killing them. At least that was my experience. Here's how it went:

Day 1: Shy and hiding

Day 2: Shy and hiding

Day 3: Shy and hiding

Day 4: Molt and hiding

Day 5: Relentlessly attacking my feather duster and eating my polyps

Later in Day 5: In a pitcher of salt water waiting to go back to lfs


My advice would be to return the peppermint and get a skunk cleaner.



Let's just hope this isn't the case for me!!!

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Mine experience was similar to jdivers only I lost an open brain coral to the shrimp. Most of them are reef safe, but definitely not all.



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I had a peppermint shrimp.


Day 1: Out and about without a care in the world (without harming corals!)

Day 2: Look at Day 1


And was like this everyday until it died about a month ago... :*(


I've since gotten a skunk cleaner, awesome shrimp as well. :happy:

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