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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Adding Corals and Enemonies to the tank


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I am recently new and have my 28 g tank set up. The following is what I already have in my tank and I would like to add some corals and ennemonies soon.


I have added the live rock and waited 6 weeks for the tank to cure. My water tests stayed consistent and so I went and added some feeders and then waited a week and added some fish.


Currently I have 4 nemos and 2 black, white and yellow stripped fish. They have been in there for approximately four days and I have done one water change.


My levels were high in ammonia....what can be done to achieve a lower reading as it has always been at 0ppm and now it is closer to 0.5ppm.


Also i have large junk deposits (fish poop) in the sand and I was wondering if someone could suggest a good cleaning method for removing the poop.


As well how often do I change my carbon, and other filter media. Rinsing the sponge, etc.



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I am recently new and have my 28 g tank set up. The following is what I already have in my tank and I would like to add some corals and ennemonies soon.


I have added the live rock and waited 6 weeks for the tank to cure. My water tests stayed consistent and so I went and added some feeders and then waited a week and added some fish.


Currently I have 4 nemos and 2 black, white and yellow stripped fish. They have been in there for approximately four days and I have done one water change.


My levels were high in ammonia....what can be done to achieve a lower reading as it has always been at 0ppm and now it is closer to 0.5ppm.


Also i have large junk deposits (fish poop) in the sand and I was wondering if someone could suggest a good cleaning method for removing the poop.


As well how often do I change my carbon, and other filter media. Rinsing the sponge, etc.




Your ammonia level can be reduced by discontinuing adding livestock. You added too much too fast. If it climbs significantly again, do water changes more frequently to reduce the levels. It will also help to simply siphon the detritus (fish crap) off of your sand to reduce levels more. Get a bigger clean up crew.


Carbon should be changed based on your bio-load. Do you have a skimmer? Change your carbon every couple of weeks if you can. Don't use any type of filter media (sponge or floss) if you can help it. If you need to use it, clean it every few days.


Don't add an anenome yet. At all. Seriously. You have a long time of waiting for that stage.

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It takes time for the biological filtration to kick in. You added alot of fish in a short time, and there isn't enough bacteria to convert the ammonia so that's causing a spike in ammonia. I wouldn't clean the filter for at least a few weeks - let the good bacteria build population. I might add a product called "seachem prime" to neutralize the ammonia in the meantime. Water change will help - but don't clean the filter yet.

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I hate to be 'that guy', but if you seriously call clownfish 'nemos', have more than two in the same tank, purchased two fish you have no idea what they are, and can't spell anemones, I'd slow wayyyyyyyyy down and start doing research. Every question you asked has been asked thousands of times before. The search feature on this site (and Google in general) works well.

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I am recently new and have my 28 g tank set up. The following is what I already have in my tank and I would like to add some corals and ennemonies soon.


I have added the live rock and waited 6 weeks for the tank to cure. My water tests stayed consistent and so I went and added some feeders and then waited a week and added some fish.


Currently I have 4 nemos and 2 black, white and yellow stripped fish. They have been in there for approximately four days and I have done one water change.


My levels were high in ammonia....what can be done to achieve a lower reading as it has always been at 0ppm and now it is closer to 0.5ppm.


Also i have large junk deposits (fish poop) in the sand and I was wondering if someone could suggest a good cleaning method for removing the poop.


As well how often do I change my carbon, and other filter media. Rinsing the sponge, etc.




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Deleted User 3
I hate to be 'that guy', but if you seriously call clownfish 'nemos', have more than two in the same tank, purchased two fish you have no idea what they are, and can't spell anemones, I'd slow wayyyyyyyyy down and start doing research. Every question you asked has been asked thousands of times before. The search feature on this site (and Google in general) works well.


+1. Also, isn't 6 fish for a 28 gallon a lot of fish?

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