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Cultivated Reef

How about this fish combo for a 40Breeder?


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I have a Randall's Goby (white), False Percula (orange) in a 40g breeder. I see the goby maybe once a day. So the tank's looking real empty with one fish swimming around


I'd like to add a tailspot blenny (misc), filamented flasher wrasse (red) and cherub angel (blue) in this order with a few weeks in between.


No fancy shrimp, but I do have a clam and coral. Will this work? I've heard the dwarf angels are ok if they're well fed. Thanks!

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That's a good start... Get a Pistol Shrimp. I got a Candy Cane Pistol (?) and it and my Randall Goby paired up in a matter of seconds.

It's pretty cool to watch him dig, dig, dig... Pushing sand and rocks all over the place!

Just make sure your LR is on the bottom and not siting on the sand :)

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That's a good start... Get a Pistol Shrimp. I got a Candy Cane Pistol (?) and it and my Randall Goby paired up in a matter of seconds.

It's pretty cool to watch him dig, dig, dig... Pushing sand and rocks all over the place!

Just make sure your LR is on the bottom and not siting on the sand :)


I've had the same randall and pistol shrimp for 2 years... and they're in opposite sides of the tank. Antisocial little guys!

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The cherub angel fish might nip at the clam so keep an eye on that and have a backup plan. I have heard of angels being fine then one day decide to clean up on corals and clams on guy said he lost a trust fund in corals.

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The cherub angel fish might nip at the clam so keep an eye on that and have a backup plan. I have heard of angels being fine then one day decide to clean up on corals and clams on guy said he lost a trust fund in corals.


Hmmmm... well it's the last on my list.


I decided the red spotted blenny at the LFS looked better than the tailspot. So now I've got one of those :-)


Clown's looking a little stressed and slimey though. This might turn into a sad thread....

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Hmmmm... well it's the last on my list.


I decided the red spotted blenny at the LFS looked better than the tailspot. So now I've got one of those :-)


Clown's looking a little stressed and slimey though. This might turn into a sad thread....


This is getting weird.


Clown died after looking weird. Started swimmming funny and a white film appeared on it's body. Looked like it's fins were nipped pretty well too...


The new blenny doesn't seem to want to move from one corner of the tank.... it also seems to be breathing heavily.

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Did you QT the blenny?


It sounds like it may have brought in some disease...


Brooklynella perhaps?


No, I was dumb and didn't do the QT. Sigh. I bought on impulse...


If it was brooklynella, does this mean the remaining blenny and goby are doomed? I mihgt be able to catch the blenny but the goby is not coming out unless I tear down everything.

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