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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Poll on stocking an 8G reef


8g tank with 2 inch sand bed  

9 members have voted

  1. 1. What should I get?

    • ocellaris clown
    • Randalls goby with pistol shrimp
    • Green chromis
    • Royal Gramma

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I would love a randalls goby and pistol shrimp pair, but I am still unsure if that's what I truly want or if there is something better suited for my tank.


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1 green star polyp frag I will be getting some zoas and mushrooms soon.

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Check this out-> http://www.nano-reef.com/forums/index.php?...t=0&start=0


Personally, I would go with the goby. I don't think there is enough swimming room in a tank that size for anything else on your list. Again, just my opinion.


Yeah I was trying to use that to get a good idea of what I would like and I do enjoy the look of a paired goby/pistol

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I would love a randalls goby and pistol shrimp pair, but I am still unsure if that's what I truly want or if there is something better suited for my tank.


Current param







1 green star polyp frag I will be getting some zoas and mushrooms soon.

I have a 9 gal rimless reef tank tons of corals an I have 2 clowns 2 damsels have had them for a year taking them out soon a yellow prawn goby and pistol shrimp and a Molly miller Benny and the tanks bio load is fine and plenty of space for all the fish

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The goby/shrimp pair is best, but sometimes the pistol can be very secretive, especially in noisy environments. If you have a quiet-ish house, it will prob. be fine.

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ocellaris clown- IMO not enough swimming room

Randalls goby with pistol shrimp- maybe a smaller goby, randalls get up to 4-5 inches

Green chromis- same as clownfish

Royal Gramma- same as clownfish

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