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clown has flukes?


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So a few things i came ot realize after researchign on flukes.


when i put my new true perc in the QT he seemed to be swimming "fast" but not moving. He was wiggling non stop in one place, BUT he was eating very very well.


he does only hang out near the corner of the tank in a vertical position, so i dont know if hes flashing or not.


maybe twice a day I notice he does this rapid twice at first i thought the water flow from the HOB would make him twitch but it makes no sense especially since he does it away from it as well.


than about day 6 i noticed he was rapidly breathing and at the surface so i thought it was a case of ammonia, did a WC and addd lots of prime to the tank, he does look way better so im sure it helped but i also read these are all signs of fluke.


I am about to get my anthias in today and was thinking shoudl i just do prazipro treatment on them together at once as soon as i add the anthias in the QT as well becuase to my plan the clown was leaing the QT today to add the coming in fish but i might have to ulter that plan due to this study.

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What type of established biological filter does your QT tank have? Did you check for ammonia before using Prime?


Does your display tank now have an established nitrogen cycle? If so, I'm going to recommend that you put your new fish in there and use the QT tank as a hospital tank instead (at least for the time being). This is a new tank, so you really don't need to quarantine in order to protect the existing livestock, since there isn't any. I hope that are buying from a quality reseller (either local or online).


I commend you for trying to quarantine, but I'm wondering if it has a proper biological filter. I'd hate for you to add to the bioload of your QT tank with an addition fish.


I'm also concerned that you might be adding things too fast. These environments and livestock can be fragile and demand stability; you need to give the biological filter time to adjust to each change you make.

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I have a whisper i10 HOB on this QT.


Yes, it was reading at .25 exact.


My DT cycled completely about a week ago.

if its as a HT, waht is it hospitalizing? loll


I didnt' want to introduce ich to the new system, livestock or not basically that was the plan.


Am i putting him in assuming the ammonia caused those behaviours and not becasue some point to fluke?

By biofilter you mean a sponge with bactera for example? if so, I dont becasue i was told its not necessary if you are about to treat incase the fish is sick so I didnt' 'add any. I dont even have a sponge to have that biofilter.


I haven't added anything yet so not sure what i am adding to fast loll.


I do have my CUC comign in tomorrow.


What type of established biological filter does your QT tank have? Did you check for ammonia before using Prime?


Does your display tank now have an established nitrogen cycle? If so, I'm going to recommend that you put your new fish in there and use the QT tank as a hospital tank instead (at least for the time being). This is a new tank, so you really don't need to quarantine in order to protect the existing livestock, since there isn't any. I hope that are buying from a quality reseller (either local or online).


I commend you for trying to quarantine, but I'm wondering if it has a proper biological filter. I'd hate for you to add to the bioload of your QT tank with an addition fish.


I'm also concerned that you might be adding things too fast. These environments and livestock can be fragile and demand stability; you need to give the biological filter time to adjust to each change you make.

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I have a whisper i10 HOB on this QT.
A new filter with new media offers no initial biological filter.


Yes, it was reading at .25 exact.
Then it's likely that the fish was suffering from the toxic ammonia.


My DT cycled completely about a week ago.

if its as a HT, waht is it hospitalizing? loll

IDK, you've mentioned Ich and Flukes. I'm basically saying that you have it available to treat a sick fish instead of putting your new fish in a toxic tank.


I didnt' want to introduce ich to the new system, livestock or not basically that was the plan.
Again, I commend you for the attempt, but without a biological filter on your QT, you are just stressing out your new livestock.


Am i putting him in assuming the ammonia caused those behaviours and not becasue some point to fluke?
Your description is consistent with a fish being poisoned by ammonia. Plus, it reacted positively to the addition of Prime. Putting it in a tank that can process ammonia should help.


Does the fish present additional symptoms consistent with Flukes? If so, you should treat it in your hospital/QT tank first. There are several threads on setting up hospital tanks and several more on treatment of Flukes. However, I'm not yet convinced it is anything but high ammonia levels.


By biofilter you mean a sponge with bactera for example? if so, I dont becasue i was told its not necessary if you are about to treat incase the fish is sick so I didnt' 'add any. I dont even have a sponge to have that biofilter.
People often transfer the bio-media from their display tank when setting up a quarantine tank. A biofilter is pretty important. That's why I'm recommending you skip the QT for now.


I haven't added anything yet so not sure what i am adding to fast loll. I do have my CUC comign in tomorrow.
Agian 'loll'? Youve purchased a True Perc, Anthias, and cleanup crew; and you state that the display tank has just established its nitrogen cycle about a week ago. I'm not saying it can't be done, but it's not a laughable statement that I'm concerned that a relative beginner is moving this fast.
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i never put a bilogical filter because i was told NOT to since its a QT but only do so if its available for ease of use.


My cycle is complete, so my true perc was done wiht QT he goes into the DT, the anthias goes into the QT and the CUC goes into the DT, that isn't overstocking to fast. Most people add CUC with a fish, only difference is i am QT my anthias so its ready in 4 weeks as opposed to 4 weeks later diong it for another 4 weeks.


I agree, i am torn between the idea of treating it just to make sure or it was infact ammonia issue and not putting it through stress on flukes for no reason.



I will treat the anthias with prazipro either way because I read they do have the ability to carry flukes often.


I know this, when the fish has flukes he doesn't eat right? My fish eats like a beast still but here is another, is it possible he withstood it and has fought it but also still carrying the disease? I do know clowns are tough SOBs that cna live with ich and not even have an issue.

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i never put a bilogical filter because i was told NOT to since its a QT but only do so if its available for ease of use.
Not by me. I don't agree. Not that my way is the only way.


My cycle is complete, so my true perc was done wiht QT he goes into the DT, the anthias goes into the QT and the CUC goes into the DT, that isn't overstocking to fast.
I'm not sure that putting it in QT is in its best interest. :unsure: Your QT is having problems processing ammonia.


As for overstocking; I don't think your 40B is overstocked, but just that you are buying things fairly quickly. I mentioned that I was concerned (I still am). Going slow allows you to respond to issues (eating, disease, etc.); it also allows the system to adjust and stabilize to changes.


I can't remember, but I think I remember you buying dry rock. If you purchased live rock, it shouldn't be a problem for the biological filter; however, it might overload a system that was started with dry rock (it just takes longer for the bacteria populations to become established).


I agree, i am torn between the idea of treating it just to make sure or it was infact ammonia issue and not putting it through stress on flukes for no reason.
I'm not in favor of treating for a disease/parasite unless you know it is infected.


I will treat the anthias with prazipro either way because I read they do have the ability to carry flukes often.
Again, not sure that treatment or QT (in this particular instance) is in the best interest of the Anthias. Also, sometimes they are finicky eaters when you first get them.


I do know clowns are tough SOBs that cna live with ich and not even have an issue.
True Percs are a little less hardy than False Percs. And I have had a False Perc die from Ich. :(



I guess that you know my point of view. I'll defer to others to give you their opinions too. Good luck on your new fishy! :)

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