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crap i crashed my biocube29


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You probably just released tons of crap into your water and that is what is killing off your tank. You should do large water changes and run some cabon.

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You probably just released tons of crap into your water and that is what is killing off your tank. You should do large water changes and run some cabon.

water change in process right now... im working at my lfs tommaro what should i pick up

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You probably just released tons of crap into your water and that is what is killing off your tank. You should do large water changes and run some cabon.



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just run fresh carbon, you'll want to keep your dirty filters at this point as they'll have denitrifying bacteria on them, which was removed with the bioballs. Test for prescense of ammonia.


Did you cloud up the tank with crap when you took them out?

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just run fresh carbon, you'll want to keep your dirty filters at this point as they'll have denitrifying bacteria on them, which was removed with the bioballs. Test for prescense of ammonia.


Did you cloud up the tank with crap when you took them out?

its been 2 days there gone i need to buy more carbon it did clould a little but went away fast

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50% water exchange, match temp and salinity.. test for ammonia.

ok done ill get the results soon mabe not tonight i busy right know with the water change any thing else i could buy to help you know this is bad when my xeina is looking really bad

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I've seen gsp hide its polyps for over a month when I moved my tank and killed my sps. It set a chain reaction and started killing off my Lps and all my zoas were closing. I made a fresh batch of sw and dropped everything alive in there with a power head. I would do 50% wc's everyday on the tank and 100% for the bin everything was in for three days then transferred everything back into my tank. Some lived some didn't, it's about all u can do at this point.

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I concur with the above. In a situation like this when things are dying, your almost better off just mixing up fresh saltwater as soon as possible and putting everything that's still alive in there. While it may cause a little stress, it has to be better than leaving everything in your tank with an unknown pollutant.

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