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Tank transfer question


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Heya NR. My BC 14 had a leak so I upgraded to a BC 29. II had to add a few more LR to the tank due to the increase in size and new LS. Adding this new LR and LS made me have a diatom bloom which I was expecting. Like I said my old tank had a leak so I had to move everything over to the 29 fairly fast, and I am worried because my mushrooms and Bubble coral are not looking good. The mushrooms are mostly shriveled up throughout the day same with the bubble. I have been testing my water daily and have seen no ammonia spike, I had high Nitrates the day after the move but I did a nice WC and they are back to zero. Did the move Friday if that helps. Any thoughts on what I should do?

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Heya NR. My BC 14 had a leak so I upgraded to a BC 29. II had to add a few more LR to the tank due to the increase in size and new LS. Adding this new LR and LS made me have a diatom bloom which I was expecting. Like I said my old tank had a leak so I had to move everything over to the 29 fairly fast, and I am worried because my mushrooms and Bubble coral are not looking good. The mushrooms are mostly shriveled up throughout the day same with the bubble. I have been testing my water daily and have seen no ammonia spike, I had high Nitrates the day after the move but I did a nice WC and they are back to zero. Did the move Friday if that helps. Any thoughts on what I should do?


Your bacterial colonies are re-establishing while trying to handle the die-off from the new rock and sand. In that size system I wouldn't move more than 1 or 2 rocks in at once. Adding the LS is even riskier.


If you ever do a move like that in the future, you can prevent the dramatic shifts by just moving what you currently have into the new setup. While it may not be sufficient for the long haul, it would allow you to move sand and rock slowly into the new system to prevent this. Moving only what you had in the 14 over to the 29 would have produced no issue at all. Also, adding more live sand really wasn't needed. Topping it off with regular sand would be a great idea and it would become "live" on its own.


There really isn't anything that you can do now but wait it out. You are doing the right thing by monitoring your nitrates. I think everything will be fine in time. It won't last long.

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Thanks for your information guys. I did make a nooby move and added 2 pieces of live rock with the move. I was not thinking of the die off plus the added space the LR from my other tank would have to handle. So you think once the diatom bloom goes away my mushrooms and bubble will spread out again?

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Thanks for your information guys. I did make a nooby move and added 2 pieces of live rock with the move. I was not thinking of the die off plus the added space the LR from my other tank would have to handle. So you think once the diatom bloom goes away my mushrooms and bubble will spread out again?


Should be just fine in time. Just keep doing what you are doing. :)

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+1 one, you're doing it right. Sometimes when emergencies arise like this things just happen. Sometimes when corals are stressed out they release toxins into the water that can bother other corals. I don't remember if you said you were or not, but run some carbon. It can't hurt, but may help.


Good luck, hope all is well.

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