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fluval sea salt


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I'm looking to get into a more i guess you would say reef ready salts for my systems. right now I'm using the basic instant ocean which means i do have to dose few extras if needed. i was wondering what everyone thought about fluvals sea salt pro i believe its called could just be fluval sea i seen it at the local lfs and it seems to be decent from reading the back but we know how far that can get ya. or is basically any salt better then the basic instant ocean I'm using.

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They boast that it's made in the USA. I suppose they feel this implies better quality control. Here is an analysis at Specific Gravity 1.023 and 77 degrees Fahrenheit:

pH: 8.1 

KH - 145-175 mg/L as CaCO3 

CA - 460 ppm 

K - 380-400 ppm 

Mg - 1250-1300 ppm 

Sr - 8-12 ppm

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They boast that it's made in the USA. I suppose they feel this implies better quality control. Here is an analysis at Specific Gravity 1.023 and 77 degrees Fahrenheit:

pH: 8.1 

KH - 145-175 mg/L as CaCO3 

CA - 460 ppm 

K - 380-400 ppm 

Mg - 1250-1300 ppm 

Sr - 8-12 ppm

I switched from RSM coral pro to fluval and I was surprised but my corals seem to be doing better.

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