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Powerhead or HOB filter?


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So currently for my 5.5 gallon reef I have a 250gph powerhead. This seems to be way too much flow for pretty much 90% of my tank and the only corals that seem to be happy are my yellow polyps and variety of zoas. Recently, I have found small, shriveled up pieces of my frogspawn right below my actual frogspawn coral. This leads me to believe that the flow is much too strong for it. For now I've moved it to the only low flow spot of my tank and it seems happy there, I'm just hoping its not too traumatized from being in a high flow area for about a week. Now my question is, should I stick with the powerheads and get something like a rio powerhead or should I get a AC 50 or AC 70? With the HOB filters I plan to keep it simple and add some filter floss and macro algae. Which sounds like the better plan?

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I have a hydor pico 300 gph powerhead and an ac70 on full blast in my 5.5. Just point the power towards the surface at the outflow of the filter to help break up the flow. Mine has been set up this way for over a year i think with montis, leathers, polyps, and a maxi mini nem in it. IT also used to have a hammer coral in it which did really well.

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I actually have it pointing up as far as it will go. The flow seems to distribute down, to the right, and then continue flowing to the right until it reaches the powerhead and resumes the same cycle. I haven't really tried fiddling with it as far as actual placement will go. I just know that my duncan coral and frogspawn are not happy at all.

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But if you add an ac50 or 70 it will help break up the flow from the powerhead and distribute the flow better. At least thats what it does in my tank.

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It is in the top corner pointed towards the surface. Here is a pic to help. On a side note doent ever get blue anthelia cause you can see what happens haha


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