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What camera would you recommend?


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I've always been fascinated with photography and now that I have some extra money I'm ready to get a professional camera.

I have done some research but it's hard to follow people's opinions since they differ.

So far I'm thinking about the cannon rebel t3i.

I want to go with a cannon brand because they have great service and warranty and i read better thigs about cannon than I have about Nikon.


Im looking to take pics mostly of my tank,along with buying a macro lense.

If I'm not taking pics of the tank il be taking pics of just anything else lol...


Anyways,what are your opinions on the cannon t3i and if you can recommend another model please do.


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Canon 6D is the first canon with wifi and gps. Releases december. Is also a full frame Camera. If I were in the market for a new camera, I would most likely get that depending on the review from dpreview.com of course.

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I own a Cannon T2i and its a great camera.

There is very minor difference from the T2i to the T3i. if not having the flip screen doesnt bother you I would save the extra money and just get a T2i. Maybe with the extra money you can get the Macro lens

for your tank shots?


either one you get you'll be extremely happy picture are flawless. for the most part :lol:

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T2i is definitely best bang for your buck right now IMO.


also cannons are weapons of war




unless you need/want the added features that the t3i, like the articulated screen for example, then the t2i will be the best value.


No real reason to go full frame unless you're more serious about getting into photography and need a FF. Which not many ppl do.

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oh and buy a 50mm f1.8.


Figure out if you really need a macro lens. Alot of ppl on here just buy a macro lens because they think it can get really close up photo's of their tank then they just want to post them online. While it's true, you can also get close up photo's by cropping. If you don't need a 1:1 image or aren't going to print anything then there's no real need for a macro unless you really want that close focusing distance or need to work with a image that's 1:1 pre processing. A fast prime (like the cheapo one I mentioned) is more than capable of taking a sharp image then cropping it to make it look large online. That being said, I don't know how far u want to take ur photography so it's up to you. But I would definitely buy the 50mm (can't go wrong at that price unless u want the better 1.4 or 1.2) then maybe look into whether or not u want a macro lens.

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Your going to want to invest more money into quality optics rather than an expensive camera. Pick up a good used nikon d200 or even a d80/90. The high end glass is what will give you crystal clear photos. Just my 0.02

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