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Adam's 8g IM Nuvo


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Adam's 8g IM Nuvo


With the addition of a baby to the house, we needed to remodel our basement which meant I had to get rid of my Tanganyika cichlid community tank. I spent a lot of time on that tank. It was a 75g with a 20L sump, a custom stand, and lots of time. I missed it a lot, and really wanted a new tank project. However, the wife said no more tanks in the house....we still have our sons 37 gallon.


So I convinced her to let me get a small, inexpensive tank for work. I decided on a small reef tank as they always interested me. However, funds are tight so this needed to be done as inexpensively as possible.


I researched and researched and researched. It seemed like it wasn't going to be possible...$200 lights, $100 in LR, $100 tanks....and all of the trimmings. I initially thought I was looking at atleast $500 to set up even the smallest tank before any livestock.


A little more research, and it became my project to get a decent reef tank for as little as possible. I have a little patience....and I love projects. So I began my hunt.


I came here looking for information, and stumbled upon a used IM Nuvo 8 for $100. Sign me up. Seller was nice enough to include a few extra's as well.


Next I ordered some dry base rock from ReefCleaners, and then placed an order at DrFosterSmith for live sand, test kit, CPE, and Reef crystals.


Today I sit with:





  • Tank: Innovative Marine 8 gallon
  • Lighting: Stock 8w 10,000k LED lighting with separate plug for night light
  • Circulation: Stock Pump pushing approximately 100 GPH
  • Heater: 25 watt heater included with tank deal...unknown maker
  • Biological: 7 pounds of live sand & 10 pounds of base rock....currently cycling
  • Timer: Cheap mechanical timer for day lights


  • RODI water from LFS
  • Instant Ocean Reef Salt

Misc. Items

  • Thermometer
  • Hydrometer
  • Two Little Fishies magnetic glass cleaner
  • Filter floss
  • Chemi-Pure Elite carbon (to be added after cycle)
  • Misc. other items like buckets, RODI jug, siphon for WC's, etc.


  • I'm pretty set on getting a pistol shrimp and goby pair.
  • No idea on corals yet
  • Probably order a CUC from ReefCleaners in the next couple weeks.


*I stole the above formatting from another tank thread....hope no one minds. :)


So I'm right at $200....and I don't really NEED anything more that I'm aware of other than livestock of course.


I'm fairly happy with that.


Current "To Be Bought in The Near Future" list:

  • Nano Koralia 240 GPH or upgrade return pump for more flow
  • Cheap light to grow chaeto
  • Purigen


Now, don't get me wrong....I'd love a DA Reefkeeper, an auto top off, an Ecotech MP10, a high end LED light....and all the trimmings. But, and especially with a limited budget, I'm finding it fun to try and be cheapskate and still have a nice tank.

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*I stole the above formatting from another tank thread....hope no one minds. :)



So I'm right at $200....and I don't really NEED anything more that I'm aware of other than livestock of course.

Looking good! I would definitely add the Koralia nano or upgrade the stock pump.


Now, don't get me wrong....I'd love a DA Reefkeeper, an auto top off, an Ecotech MP10, a high end LED light....and all the trimmings. But, and especially with a limited budget, I'm finding it fun to try and be cheapskate and still have a nice tank.

Those things are nice sometimes, but definitely not necessary to have a nice tank.

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  • 3 weeks later...

A week plus with zero nitrites, zero ammonia, and a few water changes to get the nitrates down and I added a CUC from ReefCleaners.


I also added their $0.01 macro algae (glued to a small rock piece) and some chaeto I added to the back.


Now to wait another couple weeks. :)


I also added a Koralia Nano to the tank. Still playing with placement.


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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...


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