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Possible 5 gallon fluval edge build/or?


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Well here goes...


Basically i am looking for a new setup. I have previously owned a 20 gallon reef tank, but due to small financial issues and other problems it didn't work out as i intended. After looking through many reef profiles i have decided i want a tank thats volume is under 6 gallons. This tank will be situated on my computer desk which is next to my bed so i am planning to keep it clean and enclosed. One tank i have taken a fancy to is the 5 gallon Fluval Edge due to its sharp lines and overall enclosed look. As nice as this tank looks i am yet to find a Fluval Edge pico reef that truly looks spectacular. If i were to purchase this tank i would like to stock it heavily with soft corals and other lps corals and possibly some sps in the top region of the tank.


Here a some questions i was hoping you guys could answer.


If i were to buy the nano customs fluval led fixture would i have enough light to reach the far corners of the tank and maybe grow some sps?


Is it a hard tank to get looking great?


Is it possible to mod the rear chamber thingy into a refugium?


Should i replace the stock filter with some sort of aquaclear hob filter?


Would i have to dose to achieve quick growth in the tank?


How frequently do you have to top off the tank?


And if you guys know any awesome looking pico reef edge's could you link me?


Also if you guys think there are better aquariums that are as clean as the Fluval Edge could you link me.


Cheers, freezime out.

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The Edge is very difficult to work with since it has such a small opening. Once coralline starts growing it is even more of a pain to keep the sides and top clean.

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If i were to buy the nano customs fluval led fixture would i have enough light to reach the far corners of the tank and maybe grow some sps? From what I have read about these lights they will support anything in any location of the Edge, if you can get a hold of them


Is it a hard tank to get looking great? That's a question based upon your opinion, however you did say you haven't seen any Fluval Edges that you think are praise worthy. Many Fluval edges have been set up by very experienced reefers who have a hard time do to the limitations of the tank and access. I would say it would qualify as challenging due to it being of small volume and having a small cut out for placement and scaping. Also, just because it is 6 gallons does not mean it will be any cheaper than your previous builds often Pico/Nano reefs are just as if not more expensive to set up that some large systems and generally require more maintenance.


Is it possible to mod the rear chamber thingy into a refugium?

The only rear chamber is the filter, but yes it is possible. Check around for guides or get a Media Rack from inTank


Should i replace the stock filter with some sort of aquaclear hob filter?

The stock filter is an Aquaclear20 which should be adequate, I would check some other Fluval Edge builds and see what they have done then base your upgrade of them.

Would i have to dose to achieve quick growth in the tank?

Usually in pico tanks waterchanges are sufficient. I would test for the first few weeks and see how Calc/alk/Mag are sitting and then make that decision. Of course more LPS=more calc


How frequently do you have to top off the tank?

A lot of variables in this question also. It changes during times of year depending on temperature of the room and if you run heating or A/C. I'd guess and say with the Edge's lid it shouldn't be too excessive


And if you guys know any awesome looking pico reef edge's could you link me?

I've seen a few nice ones if you search Fluval Edge I'm sure you'll have a lot to brainstorm about!


Also if you guys think there are better aquariums that are as clean as the Fluval Edge could you link me.

Personally I think that Innovative Marine makes cleaner looking more practical tanks such as the Nuvo and they are very hot right now! Also some Exoecotic Pico tanks are very sharp!

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I top off every other day or so but I took the lid off of mine to get adequate light spread with my AI Nano. I've found that with the hood on it flags the light so it doesnt reach the edges very well. I've also replaced the stock basket with the intank basket for the AC20 and it kicks ass. :)

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I'd consider the 5 gallon Spec.


I love my 2 gallon spec, but unless you have an air conditioned room, or want to add a chiller, I don't recommend it.

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If i were to buy the nano customs fluval led fixture would i have enough light to reach the far corners of the tank and maybe grow some sps? I'm sure the light will be enough in the center but not sure about the corners. You will get a major spotlight. Definitlely enough to support lower demanding corals along the edges


Is it a hard tank to get looking great? Yes, it's a pain in the ass, especially with corals and rocks in the way of reaching the corners. Sometimes I hate this thing lol


Is it possible to mod the rear chamber thingy into a refugium? not without a ton of work


Should i replace the stock filter with some sort of aquaclear hob filter? the stock filter has been adequate for me. I use floss, purigen and carbon. You can fit an AC50 i believe if you cut and shave the stock light mounts.


Would i have to dose to achieve quick growth in the tank? I'm new to the hobby, this is my first reef tank. Wish I knew as most of my corals seem to grow very slow, but then I wanted this to be a rather low maintenance tank. I don't want to deal with dosing


How frequently do you have to top off the tank? I have an acrylic lid on mine as splash guard for my DIY LEDs so evaporation is very minimal. I put in a sip or two worth of water every 1-2 days


And if you guys know any awesome looking pico reef edge's could you link me? Heres the best on I know of http://www.nano-reef.com/featured/?tank=55


Also if you guys think there are better aquariums that are as clean as the Fluval Edge could you link me.


Cheers, freezime out.


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