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Innovative Marine Aquariums

small star fish ID


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i am in the proses of cycling a new tank when i seen this little guy.. can anyone tell me what he is. is he a good guy or bad ? i cant believe he survived me toothbrush cleaning the dead stuff of my live rock before i put it into the tank 003-2.jpg

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i am in the proses of cycling a new tank when i seen this little guy.. can anyone tell me what he is. is he a good guy or bad ? i cant believe he survived me toothbrush cleaning the dead stuff of my live rock before i put it into the tank 003-2.jpg



It appears to be a Asterina Star...most varieties are fine...good detrivore's...one or two varieties (the silver/grey ones) have been known to much on zoas I think..

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Asterina starfish


Your choice: Remove or keep.


Some of them snack on corals, some don't. Some divide and replicate quickly, some don't.


They are very common hitch hikers.

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Asterina starfish


Your choice: Remove or keep.


Some of them snack on corals, some don't. Some divide and replicate quickly, some don't.


They are very common hitch hikers.


Yup. I never had a problem with mine, but the population will grow quickly!

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i started seeing just the one.. three more little ones today. i will start removing them if they become an issue i few i dont mind but i can see where it might get out of hand

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I was like "oh cool an Asterina starfish" Then before I know it my tank was polluted with them and my zoas start to disappear...... and yes I watched them eat them.


When in doubt wipe them out!

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