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refugium for jbj picotope?


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So in a few months im going to start a jbj pictope. for filtration, I want to do the whole thing where I mod an ac30 or ac50 to a refugium but I'm very confused about it. is this refugium the only filtration you need? do you still use all the filter media the ac filter comes with? what should I do with the jbj picotope stock filter??


thanks for any help/advice

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I also just started a 3 gallon picotope about 6 months ago I went with the ac 70 since it adds the most water and u can fit more things in it as of now I haven't nodded it I just put some chaeto on top of the media it comes with once that media runs out ill buy a diffrent kind and then mod it and yes the ac filter is the only filter u need in a picotope. the ac70 filters 300 gallons a hour your filtering your 3 gallons 100 times over in a hour so yea it keeps it pretty clean.

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Generally, for reefs, people only use Chemipure or some carbon for filtration. I would recommend using chaeto as a sponge to stop large particles and keeping the carbon AC come with in the filter compartment.

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ok cool. so do you think its absolutely essential that i get the ac70 and not ac50? i just dont want it to be too huge because the tank will be transported quite a bit, but if the ac70 is essential to the health of the tank i'll deal with it :P

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Well if u want to say essantial you can actually get by with water changes alone how often you will need them is another question. The biggest reason I choose the ac70 over any other filter was the volume of water it adds to your tank I think close to 1/2 a gallon which help stabilize your temperature swings my biggest problem. Also the size of it is actually its biggest advantage because you can hide so many things in it like a heater, protein skimmer, a refiugium I'm shure there's others the size isn't realy a issue to me since its hidden behind the tank you don't really see it I actually really like it I have my lights hanging on it and also had my fan on it but your question is, is it essantial absolutely not more of a comodady.

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Well if u want to say essantial you can actually get by with water changes alone how often you will need them is another question. The biggest reason I choose the ac70 over any other filter was the volume of water it adds to your tank I think close to 1/2 a gallon which help stabilize your temperature swings my biggest problem. Also the size of it is actually its biggest advantage because you can hide so many things in it like a heater, protein skimmer, a refiugium I'm shure there's others the size isn't realy a issue to me since its hidden behind the tank you don't really see it I actually really like it I have my lights hanging on it and also had my fan on it but your question is, is it essantial absolutely not more of a comodady.



ok that makes sense. so you can put the heater in the ac70? that would be awesome since the powerhead will already take up so much space in the tank

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