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Cultivated Reef



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I've had both in a BC14 for about a year now with no problems.

Thanks for the Answer with experience. How do they interact? How many do you have, and do they inter mingle or stay on their own sides of the tank?


"small groups, or pairs, tend to do better in an aquarium"


Am I missing somthing?

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Thanks for the Answer with experience. How do they interact? How many do you have, and do they inter mingle or stay on their own sides of the tank?


I have 1 of each along with a green banded goby and a Pygmy wrasse. The reds are very similar in personalities but pretty much keep to themselves . Each one hangs out on his own perch and just catches food as the current blows it by. They're both very mellow, with the red stripped being just a bit more active.

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