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Sump design


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I am turning a 20 tall into a sump for my 65 gal reef. I have a basic design that I am thinking will work but have never used done a diy sump so any imput would be aprieciated. I am planning on using a hydor slim skimmer in the first chamber then the sump chamber will be 10 inches deep and the return section will be 6 inches.




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Change the order of the two baffles between the skimmer and fuge. If putting sand or another substrate in the fuge, add a short baffle fixed to the bottom after the first two to contain it. You should only need one baffle between the fuge and return pump.


Why the Slim Skim?

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Change the order of the two baffles between the skimmer and fuge. If putting sand or another substrate in the fuge, add a short baffle fixed to the bottom after the first two to contain it. You should only need one baffle between the fuge and return pump.


Why the Slim Skim?

I already own the slim skim and am happy with the way it works. It kind of makes the sump spittle swears but I would rather that then spend more money. The fuge will probably be live rock and macro algae. I will put my cheating in the overflow chamber with submersible light.



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