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Cultivated Reef

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I didn't mean to but it happened, I got another tank, at least it's on a small scale, but with big plans.


It's a 10" cube putting it at roughly 4.3 gallons, after some calculation I think I will end up with around 3.5 gallons of actual water. I've decided on my spare AC20 for flow and filtration after testing it against my AC30. The AC30 was too strong even with a cut impeller. The Deep Blue Fixture is surprisingly bright, I would love to find some ratings on it. I do have plans to upgrade the lighting when the time comes but I think this will do for now. I'm planning an in tank overflow for the AC20 along with a slope/wall.


Current Equipment:

10" Cube

AquaClear AC20

Theo 50W Heater

Deep Blue SolarFlare Mini 4W LED Clamp


real LEDs, egg crate, and more to come. B)


Heres a teaser for now but this should definitely be fun.



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I didn't mean to but it happened, I got another tank, at least it's on a small scale, but with big plans.


It's a 10" cube putting it at roughly 4.3 gallons, after some calculation I think I will end up with around 3.5 gallons of actual water. I've decided on my spare AC20 for flow and filtration after testing it against my AC30. The AC30 was too strong even with a cut impeller. The Deep Blue Fixture is surprisingly bright, I would love to find some ratings on it. I do have plans to upgrade the lighting when the time comes but I think this will do for now. I'm planning an in tank overflow for the AC20 along with a slope/wall.


Current Equipment:

10" Cube

AquaClear AC20

Theo 50W Heater

Deep Blue SolarFlare Mini 4W LED Clamp


real LEDs, egg crate, and more to come. B)


Heres a teaser for now but this should definitely be fun.




Looks nice indeed and happy reef keeping in the new tank

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I have the exact same tank but 12x12x12 7.5gal! what are you planning to do with the egg crate? Looks awesome! keep it up!


I was going to get that tank but wanted something with a smaller water volume, it would have only been like $8 more. The egg crate, is for support and safety, the rest is a mystery. For now B)

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More progress on the tank last night, thinking of going right now to work on it too actually. I'm trying to figure out the best way to cut an almost 10" PVC pipe long ways, I've got a good amount of tools, I was thinking of using my jigsaw but not sure, anyone have experience with something like that? Once I've got this set up I will waste the time taking some good photos for everyone, I'm gonna stick with my iPhone for now.



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I'm trying to figure out the best way to cut an almost 10" PVC pipe long ways...



I was assuming you meant 10" length. You could also mean diameter, in which case you, sir, have found a very large PVC pipe indeed.


Anyway, in either case, the best way would be with a bandsaw. If it's 10" diameter, you're gonna need a very large bandsaw though.


You could probably also do it with a jigsaw, very carefully. I'm kinda wondering if a coping saw cut would be good enough. I guess it kinda depends on if you want to join the edges to something later, and how much sanding you want to do / how clean you want your cut to look.


The worst way would be with your teeth.

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nice! what are you gunna grow on the wall?


I really don't have a clue at this point, from the way I'm planning on setting things up I can really go with softies, sps or lps, anything I guess. I may move my zoas over from my other tank for starters but well see. I wanna try and avoid making this a clone of my larger tank, its too easy lol


I was assuming you meant 10" length. You could also mean diameter, in which case you, sir, have found a very large PVC pipe indeed.


Anyway, in either case, the best way would be with a bandsaw. If it's 10" diameter, you're gonna need a very large bandsaw though.


You could probably also do it with a jigsaw, very carefully. I'm kinda wondering if a coping saw cut would be good enough. I guess it kinda depends on if you want to join the edges to something later, and how much sanding you want to do / how clean you want your cut to look.


The worst way would be with your teeth.


Lol, I truly mean "down" the pipe as in 10" longways from top to bottom. I'm trying to find a friend that has some sort of table saw, worst case is asking my buddy who works in HVAC to take it to his shop and have them do it. My father had suggested a band saw too, I was thinking of trying the jigsaw since it's JUST pvc and I can always cut a new piece for cheap cheap.

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More progress on the tank last night, thinking of going right now to work on it too actually. I'm trying to figure out the best way to cut an almost 10" PVC pipe long ways, I've got a good amount of tools, I was thinking of using my jigsaw but not sure, anyone have experience with something like that? Once I've got this set up I will waste the time taking some good photos for everyone, I'm gonna stick with my iPhone for now.

Take it to Home Depot or similar and ask them to cut it for you .. that is IMO the easiest since they have the equipment to do it correctly

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Take it to Home Depot or similar and ask them to cut it for you .. that is IMO the easiest since they have the equipment to do it correctly


Thats not a bad idea, maybe I'll roll through there on Sunday, I mean, I bought it there so they should cut it lol


a zoa wall would be rad.


ahhhh wouldn't it, I've only got 3 varieties right now but I do have 3 LFS with pretty good selections within 40 mins of me.

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Thats not a bad idea, maybe I'll roll through there on Sunday, I mean, I bought it there so they should cut it lol




ahhhh wouldn't it, I've only got 3 varieties right now but I do have 3 LFS with pretty good selections within 40 mins of me.


im trying to get my armor of gods to grow on the glass...but they like their little rock more -_-

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im trying to get my armor of gods to grow on the glass...but they like their little rock more -_-


I wish I could recall what mine were called, I think I have some Electric Greens, which consequently are very close to my glass as they are on my sand bed, I think one Eagle Eye thats struggling to come back and then here's the last one.




No idea what it's called, I've never been too concerned with the names, although I'm sure it helps in a case like this.

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Thats not a bad idea, maybe I'll roll through there on Sunday, I mean, I bought it there so they should cut it lol

Agreed, if you bought it there they should do if for free (suggestion: take you receipt with you)

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Looking good just bought the exact same tank last night, $22 locally. On the home depot cutting the pipe they usually don't cut plastic because of the potential fumes being released. But sometimes you find someone to look the other way. :D

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Looking good just bought the exact same tank last night, $22 locally. On the home depot cutting the pipe they usually don't cut plastic because of the potential fumes being released. But sometimes you find someone to look the other way. :D


I thought I smelled something lol. Yeah I think I paid $23 for mine, if they won't cut it I guess I will have to. Once I've got everything set and the silicone is curing I'm gonna order a 10lb bag of rubble from BRS so that I have plenty of options for the wall. Hopefully that will be by next weekend.

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Well I decided to just have at it mano e polyvinyl chloride, I won. Only weapon being a hand saw.


Just some simple sanding left then I'll paint the overflow, seal it, and then go to town with a dremel while testing flow.







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Well I decided to just have at it mano e polyvinyl chloride, I won. Only weapon being a hand saw.


Just some simple sanding left then I'll paint the overflow, seal it, and then go to town with a dremel while testing flow.




Following ... ...

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Following ... ...




I did some freehand work with my 3" cut off wheel today, the overflow has 4 teeth now. I'm planning on painting it and everything else tomorrow and hopefully siliconing it by the weekend.

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Thanks everyone!


The overflow is gonna be the biggest pain in this build. I went with a larger one than I had previously planned for more water volume for evaporation. I'm trying to avoid an ATO for this as right now I only have enough room for a gravity fed, which I want to avoid. If it doesn't work out like I want I may leave the overflow in place without sealing it, slightly defeating the purpose.

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Several coats of flat black later and the overflow and egg crate is drying over night. I'm gonna try to get at least the overflow siliconed in tomorrow night. I also just went ahead and ordered my 10Lbs of rubble from BRS.

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