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Supplemental feeding recommendations


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I recently added a Frogspawn and a fluorescent green Duncan coral to my tank. In it I also have a Haitian reef anemone and a ricordea muschroom. I feed the anemone krill and it seems to be doing very well.


At the LFS they told me not to bother feeding the frogspawn, duncan coral or the fungus as they are rely mostly on photosynthesis. Online I see that supplemental feeding is recommended. So my question is whether the online recommendations are purely to stimulate sales of such products or is there real benefit to supplemental feeding?


If so can someone recommend brands and products to use.



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I have found that when every one of my tank inhabitants get spot fed, they appear to be happy. I'll probably get some flack out of someone on this, but I definitely see a difference when they get some extra food.

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I recently added a Frogspawn and a fluorescent green Duncan coral to my tank. In it I also have a Haitian reef anemone and a ricordea muschroom. I feed the anemone krill and it seems to be doing very well.


At the LFS they told me not to bother feeding the frogspawn, duncan coral or the fungus as they are rely mostly on photosynthesis. Online I see that supplemental feeding is recommended. So my question is whether the online recommendations are purely to stimulate sales of such products or is there real benefit to supplemental feeding?


If so can someone recommend brands and products to use.



Supplementing them with appropriately sized foods and varieties will benefit them IME. I do so and alter the type of foods I use so I do not give them the same one every time I feed.


Yes they need the light for photosynthesis but IME they definitely benefit from additional feeding (I feed them twice a week)

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You don't NEED to feed them but I agree that it's beneficial. You can feed them as often as you want or as little as you want pretty much. Ppl tend not to feed as often because all the extra food may cause nitrates and phosphates etc. That and the fact that they don't need to be fed, unless it's in poor health, usually means ppl feed every few days at most.


If ur new, I wouldn't bother feeding the lps now. Focus on the anemone and your water quality.

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Not sure on the size of your tank but remember that the more you feed that anemone the more it will grow if your water parameters and lighting are great. I've had 2 outgrown my 24 already purchased very small.

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+1 to everything said here.


With a Nano, corals and especially anemones can out grow the tank quite rapidly. I would suggest that you spot-feed the LPS and Anemone 1x/week with a small piece or two of a variety of small meaty sea foods. This will give them some supplemental nutrition they need to thrive and grow without introducing too much waste into the system.

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