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Hitch Hiker taking over


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One of these (brown with orange tips) crawled out from under a frag plug and now they are popping up all over. I'd like to keep a small colony, but they are getting invasive. What is this and how can I control it? Thanks


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Can be vey pretty on its own, I hear they don't launch themselves off rocks much, so if you keep an island on the sandbed they should be manageable. Just make sure to thin them out every now and then, as if they overcrowd they may release from rock.

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Can be vey pretty on its own, I hear they don't launch themselves off rocks much, so if you keep an island on the sandbed they should be manageable. Just make sure to thin them out every now and then, as if they overcrowd they may release from rock.

Not the case my neighbor just shut down his tank due to an on going battle with them. It started as one on a rock 2 years later they are in the skimmer, over flow, pipes, powerheads, sandbed and on and on. Best get rid of them ASAP

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Well for what its worth, I saw a youtube vid once where they used lemon juice to kill aiptasia. Of course I thought it was the coolest thing ever and tried it...worked like a charm. I've had really good luck with peppermint shrimps in the past but I had like three little tiny nems that they never ate, so I took an insulin needle and injected fresh squeezed lemon juice right into them individually and they didnt stand a chance.


Just to be safe, I did a water change right after and ran carbon for like 4 days, just in case any toxins were released or lemon juice remained. I didnt have any negative side effects in a 10gallon tank so I'd imagine that its pretty safe if done responsibly. Id say do like three or four nems a week and do water changes between and run carbon and you should be fine. Don't spend money on meds, coming from someone who works in an aquarium shop lol




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kalk paste on top of them will kill them. you can do too many at once unless you take the rock out and kalk it then leave in a separate bucket or tank for a few days.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've got a 3 inch manjo in my tank, had him for several months and he hasn't split. You hear a lot of different stuff about them but mostly negative. The anthelia next to them doesn't look bad!

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OP, don't let this happen to you!!!




Took that photo while visiting a wildlife reserve in Florida. This was in the main office, and they were bent on having a natural tank where they just let all the creatures in their run wild and do their thing.

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