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Micro Brittles What eats them?


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Just feed with a little more discretion if you can. No excess food floating around=less food for them to populate. Let them regulate themselves IMO.


No experience... But I would also assume any wrasse that picks at worms and small shrimp would love them.

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Lol they will even take food from corals. I also I have nps corals so can't feed less. Just looking for bio control. Even though my corals eat them sometimes, they still are over populated.

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Mine appear to have out-competed the bristleworms in my tank. It's been over 2 months since I last saw a worm, but every rock sprouts arms around feeding time. All in all a welcome trade... can't think of any injury a micro-brittle star can inflict on my hand. :happy:


I guess you could just twease them out to thin their population down manually. But since they're such active detrivores changing your feeding method/quantity is more likely to do what you want (as Patback said a few posts up).


Just out of curiousity... how many appear to be in your tank? I've probably got about 20-30 in my little 9 gallon and can still see rock & sand.


EDIT: just caught the bit about it being an NPS tank. Get your tweasers, red LED flashlight and go to town over a couple of nights.

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Mine appear to have out-competed the bristleworms in my tank. It's been over 2 months since I last saw a worm, but every rock sprouts arms around feeding time. All in all a welcome trade... can't think of any injury a micro-brittle star can inflict on my hand. :happy:


I guess you could just twease them out to thin their population down manually. But since they're such active detrivores changing your feeding method/quantity is more likely to do what you want (as Patback said a few posts up).


Just out of curiousity... how many appear to be in your tank? I've probably got about 20-30 in my little 9 gallon and can still see rock & sand.


EDIT: just caught the bit about it being an NPS tank. Get your tweasers, red LED flashlight and go to town over a couple of nights.


I appreciate the feed back but I feeding less is not an option. They even eat pods that run by. Which is why I asked what possible organism eats them rather than physical control.

Just to give you an idea I have so many that they can stop koralli pump by clogging it up.

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I think a possum wrasseay help or even a coral banded shrimp. Bumble bee shrimp may help but from

My experience they can be a bit problematic themselves. I think your best vet would be the possum wrasse as long as you don't have any time ornamental shrimp like sexxy's.

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I was exited to get one as a hh on a zoa frag as there are none in my tank. It made it almost fifteen seconds before my six line ate it. :(

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